American Ex-Servicemen's Association

PO Box 19 Coldstream VIC 3770
72a Doncaster Road Balwyn North Victoria 3104 AU

The American Ex-Servicemen’s Association is a social organization formed for the purpose of promoting the welfare of American Ex-Servicemen and women in Australia and to secure better relations between Americans and the Australian Community. We join together to enjoy comradery and remember those who have served our home country

The American Ex-Servicemen’s Association was started in March 1946 by a group of American Service personnel who emigrated to Australia.

100 Birdwood Avenue Melbourne VIC 3004 Australia 9.49 km
Contact Name
The Friends of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne Inc.
100 Birdwood Avenue, Melbourne 3004 9.49 km

The Australian Garden History Society promotes awareness and conservation of significant gardens and cultural landscapes through engagement, research, advocacy and activities.

Formed in 1980, the AGHS brings together people from diverse backgrounds united by an appreciation of and concern for our parks, gardens and cultural landscapes as part of Australia’s heritage. The Society promotes knowledge of historic gardens, significant landscapes and research into their history. It aims to examine gardens and gardening in their widest social, historic, literary, artistic and scientific context.

Level 1, 210 Lonsdale St, Melbourne Vic 3000 9.5 km

The Queen Victoria Women’s Centre is an iconic Melbourne landmark that supports women (cis, trans) and non-binary through creative experiences, community resources and the power of connection.

We host creative programming onsite, online and around Victoria, have venues available to hire, QVWC SHOP and provide office space to likeminded resident organisations. We are for women, by women – always.

3/6 Charles Street West Preston Vic 3073 Australia 9.7 km
Contact Name
Cycling Victoria History & Heritage Committee
Uniting Church Historical Society and Archives.jpg
PO Box 5064 Hoppers Crossing, Vic. 3029 9.75 km

Aims to:

  • Arouse interest in and promote the study and discussion
    of the Church, including its antecedent churches;
  • Promote the collection and preservation
    of historical documents, artifacts and records;
  • Publish historical articles and lectures;
  • Promote the interchange of historical information
    by lectures, readings and discussion;
  • Cooperate with other societies interested in
    Victorian history, and the history of the Uniting Churches.
Contact Name
Rev Robert Renton, Treasurer and Editor of Proceedings of the UC Historical Society
Melbourne 3000 VIC 9.77 km

Established in Victorian 1902, the National Council of Women of Victora is one of the oldest women’s organisations in Victoria. It is non-sectarian and non-party political in encouraging the participation of women in all aspects of community life.


The ‘Friends of La Trobe’s Cottage’ was formed in 2009 under the umbrella of the C J La Trobe Society to support the National Trust in its efforts to maintain the Cottage, and, through fund-raising, improve the visitor experience at the Cottage through regular public opening times, enhanced interpretation, and improved interior and exterior appearance.

The Friends aim to promote education programs for schools, and foster a better understanding among the citizens of Melbourne and beyond of the important role La Trobe played in setting up our early university, hospital, library and other institutions, and in establishing the parks and gardens which are such a feature of our city today.

Level 2/ 329 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia 9.88 km
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