Australian Jazz Museum

15 Mountain Hwy, Wantirna VIC, Australia
56 Mountain Highway Wantirna Victoria 3152 AU

Open Tuesdays 10am – 3pm

Postal Address – PO Box 6007 Wantirna Mall VIC 3152

Founded in 1996 as the Victorian Jazz Archive (VJA), the Australian Jazz Museum (AJM) came about from the strongly voiced desire to preserve Australia’s jazz heritage, and for it to be readily accessible to musicians, collectors, donors and others throughout Australia.

In 2003 VJA was accredited as a Museum by Museums Australia (Victoria).  In 2014 the VJA changed its name to Australian Jazz Museum – to reflect the Museum’s Australia-wide mission, collection and membership.

Heritage Centre 190A Canterbury Road, Canterbury 3126. 12.28 km

The Canterbury History Group is an active community group that collects, preserves and presents historical material in the Melbourne suburb of Canterbury.

Address – Heritage Centre 190A Canterbury Road, Canterbury 3126.

5 Hill Crest Grove, Springvale VIC 3171 12.29 km

Postal Address: PO Box 372, Noble Park VIC 3174



Contact Name
Robyn Robie

The ATA (Australian Timetable Association) is an organisation for anyone interested in the study of transport timetables, schedules, maps and associated literature.

Contact Name
Australian Timetable Association
Balwyn VIC, Australia 13.04 km

Funding was obtained from the Victorian Multicultural Commission in 2005 to establish The Australian Lebanese Historical Society of Victoria. ALHSV was incorporated on July 7 2005 and formally launched at the Royal Historical Society of Victoria, Melbourne, on 4 October 2006.

We welcome as members all who have an interest in the ALHSV goals and activities.

The ALHSV is run by a Council with elections held bi-annually.

We aim to…

  • Foster research, writing and exhibitions on Lebanese heritage, culture and history in Victoria.
  • Identify and record materials related to Lebanese migration and settlement in Victoria.
  • Promote the study and publication of the contributions of the Lebanese Community to Australian society.
  • Liaise with mainstream collecting and displaying bodies such as museums, libraries, archival resource centres and cultural organisations.
  • Build understanding of their cultural heritage among the Australian-Lebanese Community of Victoria.
  • Sponsor and develop applications for projects in support of the above.
Contact Name
Sam Haddad JP OAM
camberwell historical society logo.jpg
Camberwell VIC 3124, Australia 13.27 km

Camberwell Historical Society Inc. is a Volunteer organization whose purposes are to foster historical interest and knowledge, to compile and keep historical records of the district, to promote the interchange of information among its members by lectures, discussions, excursions and other activities, to facilitate liaison with other history groups in the district and to participate in community projects.

We are affiliated with the Royal Historical Society of Victoria.

The Society holds five general meetings annually, arranges four excursions and produces flyers for forthcoming events.

Contact Name
George Fernando, President
PO BOX 67 WARRANDYTE VIC 3113 Australia 13.33 km
Contact Name
Uniting Church Historical Society and Archives.jpg
PO Box 5064 Hoppers Crossing, Vic. 3029 13.52 km

Aims to:

  • Arouse interest in and promote the study and discussion
    of the Church, including its antecedent churches;
  • Promote the collection and preservation
    of historical documents, artifacts and records;
  • Publish historical articles and lectures;
  • Promote the interchange of historical information
    by lectures, readings and discussion;
  • Cooperate with other societies interested in
    Victorian history, and the history of the Uniting Churches.
Contact Name
Rev Robert Renton, Treasurer and Editor of Proceedings of the UC Historical Society

The Forests Commission Retired Personnel Association is a volunteer organisation founded in 1979 by employees of Victoria’s former Forests Commission.  Its aims are (inter alia) to maintain forest memorabilia for the benefit of the general public and future generations.  Its Forestry Heritage Museum in the Historic Precinct of Beechworth is open to the public and it maintains its own website (

Farndons Community Hall, Cnr Farndon & 42 Falls Rd, Mt Dandenong 3767 13.65 km

Interested in research and collection of local historical photographs, recollections, etc. With new premises, aiming for increased school and community participation.

Contact Name
Wendy Britt - Secretary
39 Clow Street, Dandenong Victoria 3175, Australia 14.13 km

Our mission is to collect, document, research, preserve and make available to the wider community for their enjoyment and education items that show the development of Dandenong and District from early settlement to present day.

Port Phillip Pioneers Badge Logo coloured 1803.jpg
Wesley Hall, St. Andrew's Uniting Church, 253A Burke Road, Gardiner VIC 14.24 km

The Port Phillip Pioneers Group (PPPG) was formed in May 1970, as a special interest group of The Genealogical Society of Victoria (GSV).

The original purpose was to bring together members of the GSV who could establish direct lineal descent from Pioneers who settled or were born in the Port Phillip District of the Colony of New South Wales (the present State of Victoria) prior to 1 July 1851.

The Group became a separate Incorporated Association in April 1991 and membership of the GSV is no longer required. Linkage with the GSV is maintained as an inaugural Member Group.

The aims and objectives of PPG are:

  • To perpetuate the memory of, and create a greater awareness of, the part played by the Pioneers of early settlement in the area of the present State of Victoria;
  • To compile biographical and genealogical data of the Pioneers and their immediate families;
  •  To preserve written and printed material which illustrates aspects of Pioneer settlement in Victoria.
Contact Name
Stuart Hamilton, Secretary
PO Box 19 Coldstream VIC 3770 14.43 km

The American Ex-Servicemen’s Association is a social organization formed for the purpose of promoting the welfare of American Ex-Servicemen and women in Australia and to secure better relations between Americans and the Australian Community. We join together to enjoy comradery and remember those who have served our home country

The American Ex-Servicemen’s Association was started in March 1946 by a group of American Service personnel who emigrated to Australia.

bentleigh east VIC 3165 14.59 km
31A Marcus Road Dingley Village 3172 15.42 km

A small group of residents committed to researching the history of Dingley Village. Aims to collect documents, photographs etc.

Contact Name
Jan Holt, President
PO Box 184, Malvern, VIC 3144 15.65 km

Active group, bi-monthly newsletter, extensive archives, partnership with City of Stonnington.

Contact Name
Jane Nigrp - Vice -President

A networking group for golf club historians to meet, exchange ideas and become aware of what others are doing with their history and memorabilia. The meetings target Golf Club historians but anyone interested in golf history is welcome to attend.

Contact Name
Ian Rennick, President
kew 3102 15.75 km

Cemetery research and talks; walking tours through Boroondara (Kew) Cemetery; conservation of cemetery.

Contact Name
Pauline Turville
PO Box 58 Malvern VIC 3144 Australia 15.78 km
Contact Name
Stonnington History Centre
304-306 Jasper Road, Ormond VIC, Australia 15.97 km

The City of Moorabbin Historical Society preserves the local history and heritage of the former suburbs of the City of Moorabbin. The suburbs include Ormond, McKinnon, Bentleigh, Bentleigh East, Heatherton, Moorabbin, Highett and Cheltenham. The Society acts as the custodian of the Box Cottage Museum. Visitors can explore the museum and the eclectic items on display.

Showing 21 - 40 of 206 results