The ATA (Australian Timetable Association) is an organisation for anyone interested in the study of transport timetables, schedules, maps and associated literature.
The East Melbourne Historical Society holds meetings 6 times a year either a talk on subject relevant to the history of East Melbourne, or a visit to a place of local interest. We collect material relevant to the history of East Melbourne, which is available for research by appointment. Newsletter 3 times a year, includes article relevant to the history of East Melbourne, carrying events and news of society.
Since our founding in 1963, we have been working to collect and preserve items and information connected to the history and heritage of Brighton, Victoria.
Located in the Bayside Arts and Cultural Centre (Old Town Hall), the BHS is home to an extensive and diverse collection, including photos, documents, maps, art, artefacts and a large costume collection of State significance.
Image: Bayside Arts & Cultural Centre/Old Brighton Town Hall. This is where the Brighton Historical Society is located along with the Bayside Art Gallery, the Brighton Theatre Company and the Brighton Art Society.
The Collingwood Historical Society has as its area of interest the former City of Collingwood, that is, the suburbs now known as Abbotsford, Clifton Hill, and Collingwood in Victoria, Australia.
Collingwood Historical Society had its beginnings in the 1970s as a local interest group in the former City of Collingwood. The Society:
- Promotes public awareness of our local history.
- Promotes the conservation of Collingwood’s heritage places.
- Organises events such as talks, displays and history walks.
- Collects historical material relating to Collingwood, Clifton Hill and Abbotsford.
- Records history in the form of photos, oral history tapes, publications, and electronic resources.

Naval history. Meetings, Navy Week activities, projects at the Shrine, plaques at seclected sites.
The Waverley RSL is located at 161 Coleman Parade, Glen Waverley, and is conveniently situated opposite the Glen Waverley railway station. The RSL car park is free but you need to display a ticket on your dashboard (obtainable from reception) or use the public car park opposite.
President: Andrew Mackinnon
The Australian Garden History Society promotes awareness and conservation of significant gardens and cultural landscapes through engagement, research, advocacy and activities.
Formed in 1980, the AGHS brings together people from diverse backgrounds united by an appreciation of and concern for our parks, gardens and cultural landscapes as part of Australia’s heritage. The Society promotes knowledge of historic gardens, significant landscapes and research into their history. It aims to examine gardens and gardening in their widest social, historic, literary, artistic and scientific context.

Theatre Heritage Australia Inc. is a non-profit organisation established in 1995 to foster knowledge and research into the history of Australian theatre. Our members include theatre professionals, scholars, and enthusiasts dedicated to documenting and sharing Australia’s unique theatre heritage.
Our aims:
- Promote awareness and the preservation of Middle Park history.
- Involve and encourage the Middle Park community to actively participate in historical research.
- Seek from the community oral histories, photographs and moving images, documents and artefacts relevant to Middle Park history.
- Encourage research by government, educational institutions and others that can illuminate Middle Park history and culture.
- Seek resources, both financially and in-kind to enhance the work of the Group.
Image: courtesy of State Library of Victoria (Rose Stereograph Co. (1920). ARMSTRONG STREET, MIDDLE PARK, VICTORIA).
Postal Address – PO Box 5276, MIDDLE PARK 3206

The Harry Hawker Society’s primary purpose is to promote and maintain knowledge, of the work, exploits and life of Harry George hawker MBE AFC. by exbititions, displays, publications and memorials to Harry hawker, his associates, his partners abd friends that gave him encouragement, pushed him to his great achievements and supported his developments in aviation.

The Salvation Army Australia Museum
Level 4/69 Bourke Street, Melbourne.
Tel: 03 9653 3270

The Fitzroy History Society caters for anyone interested in the history of the Fitzroy area. Anyone who is interested in joining is welcome. You don’t have to live in the area to be a member of the Society.
Postal Address – PO Box 180 Fitzroy VIC 3065

The purpose of Club is to further the interests of members in the study, research and knowledge of antiques and other collectibles. Most members reside in metropolitian Melbourne. Meetings are held at St Leonard’s Uniting Church Hall, New St, Brighton.
St Leonard’s Uniting Church Hall,Wolseley Grove, Brighton 3186 (meeting place)

Established in Victorian 1902, the National Council of Women of Victora is one of the oldest women’s organisations in Victoria. It is non-sectarian and non-party political in encouraging the participation of women in all aspects of community life.

The Queen Victoria Women’s Centre is an iconic Melbourne landmark that supports women (cis, trans) and non-binary through creative experiences, community resources and the power of connection.
We host creative programming onsite, online and around Victoria, have venues available to hire, QVWC SHOP and provide office space to likeminded resident organisations. We are for women, by women – always.
The ‘Friends of La Trobe’s Cottage’ was formed in 2009 under the umbrella of the C J La Trobe Society to support the National Trust in its efforts to maintain the Cottage, and, through fund-raising, improve the visitor experience at the Cottage through regular public opening times, enhanced interpretation, and improved interior and exterior appearance.
The Friends aim to promote education programs for schools, and foster a better understanding among the citizens of Melbourne and beyond of the important role La Trobe played in setting up our early university, hospital, library and other institutions, and in establishing the parks and gardens which are such a feature of our city today.
Friends of Gallipoli work with schools and organisations to develop cultural and educational projects. Our programs create opportunities for Australian youth to visit Gallipoli, Turkey and attend Anzac Day ceremonies. The group actively supports fundraising activities to help schools and youth organisations attract sponsorship, grants and donations.
The main organisation goal is broadening the perspective of Australian and Turkish youth. Promotion of international friendships based around a shared Gallipoli history is key to the facilitation and planning of education projects. Youth tours are central to the groups’ activities and open the door for young people to explore each others’ lifestyle and culture.
Friends of Gallipoli is a self-governing not-for-profit organisation. The group has no political or religious affiliations and is run entirely by volunteers. Features of the organisation’s governance include clear accountabilities and transparency in the conduct and outcomes of our activities.
The group’s patron is Major General [retired] Jim Molan and its Chairman is RSL Anzac Peace Prize recipient Dr V John Basarin . For many years, Dr Basarin has been committed to building understanding of the Gallipoli Campaign through Rotary Youth Exchange. Friends of Gallipoli is his most recent youth project.
The Cinema and Theatre Historical Society of Australia Inc. was formed in Melbourne, Australia in 1989
The Society’s aims are –
• To foster an interest in the architecture, history and heritage of cinemas and theatres in Australia.
• Record the history of cinemas and theatres in the form of books, magazines and audiovisual materials.
• To maintain an archive collection of cinema related documents, photos, etc.
• Provide public access to the collection for the purpose of cinema research and related matters.
• Seek to preserve theatre and cinema buildings and artefacts.
• Organise events to facilitate inspections for documenting and photographing of cinema venues.
• Conduct regular meetings for members.
The Italian Historical Society was established in 1980 to document, preserve and promote the history of Italian migration and settlement in Australia.
Through the ongoing generous support of the Italian community and the Society’s collecting, research and interpretation activities the Society has developed an extensive collection of significant material which includes: A wide range of images, oral histories, ephemera, documents and objects which relate to all aspects of the Italian migration and settlement story.