Australian Society of Magicians

Melbourne 3000
239 A'Beckett Street Melbourne Victoria 3000 AU

The ASM is a vibrant and modern organisation, boasting a grand tradition. Founded in 1907, it is the oldest Magical Society in the Southern Hemisphere and the fourth oldest in the world. It is the largest club in Melbourne, currently numbering 120 professional, part-time professional and amateur magicians.

PO Box 304 Clifton Hill Vic 3068 3.28 km

The Collingwood Historical Society has as its area of interest the former City of Collingwood, that is, the suburbs now known as Abbotsford, Clifton Hill, and Collingwood in Victoria, Australia.

Collingwood Historical Society had its beginnings in the 1970s as a local interest group in the former City of Collingwood. The Society:

  • Promotes public awareness of our local history.
  • Promotes the conservation of Collingwood’s heritage places.
  • Organises events such as talks, displays and history walks.
  • Collects historical material relating to Collingwood, Clifton Hill and Abbotsford.
  • Records history in the form of photos, oral history tapes, publications, and electronic resources.
Contact Name
Anne Holmes, Secretary
Image: 1928 Kazzie Picnic, a very symbolic, traditional and annual event for the Kastellorizian community.
North Carlton 3054 VIC Australia 3.47 km

The Kastellorizian Association of Victoria was established in 1925 to give assistance to the fledgling Greek community of Melbourne who emigrated from the tiny island of Kastellorizo. A Brotherhood was established offering vital social, economic and cultural support and links to its members.

With recent amendments to our Constitution, our primary purpose now is to use our activities and functions as a vehicle to assist those in need in the Kastellorizian and wider Greek Community.

These activities aim to promote among Kastellorizians and their descendents in Victoria, the cultural heritage of Kastellorizo and the integration of its community into the multicultural society of the Australian community. This includes the organisation of social functions to foster continued social interaction between families and friends of Kastellorizo, the promotion of cultural activities by organising lectures, exhibitions, recitals, musical evenings etc and the promotion of academic and/or sporting excellence by awarding prizes and scholarships.

Image: 1928 Kazzie Picnic, a very symbolic, traditional and annual event for the Kastellorizian community.

Contact Name
Florence Livery, KAV Archivist
415 Church Street, Richmond 3121 4.03 km

Collecting, preserving information and materials about the history of Richmond and Burnley. Conducting research, walks and talks to promote understanding of our heritage.

Contact Name
David Langdon, President
33 Saxon Street, Brunswick VIC 3056, Australia 4.4 km

Brunswick Community History Group Inc. is a community-based organisation interested in the history of our local area (Brunswick, Victoria, Australia).

Postal Address – PO Box 8, Brunswick VIC 3056

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Our aims:

  • Promote awareness and the preservation of Middle Park history.
  • Involve and encourage the Middle Park community to actively participate in historical research.
  • Seek from the community oral histories, photographs and moving images, documents and artefacts relevant to Middle Park history.
  • Encourage research by government, educational institutions and others that can illuminate Middle Park history and culture.
  • Seek resources, both financially and in-kind to enhance the work of the Group.

Image: courtesy of State Library of Victoria (Rose Stereograph Co. (1920). ARMSTRONG STREET, MIDDLE PARK, VICTORIA).

Postal Address –   PO Box 5276,   MIDDLE PARK 3206

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66 Napier Street, Footscray VIC 3011, Australia 4.86 km

The Footscray Historical Society Inc was formed at a public meeting in 1968. The Society actively records, preserves and researches the history of the suburbs within the City of Maribyrnong – Braybrook, Footscray, Kingsville, Maidstone, Maribyrnong, Seddon, West Footscray, Tottenham and Yarraville.

The purposes of the Footscray Historical Society are to advance Australian culture by recording and cataloguing the history of the Footscray district. And by collecting, preserving, and exhibiting items of historical significance to the Footscray district for the benefit of the community, advocating for the conservation, restoration and maintenance of buildings and sites of historical significance to the Footscray district for the benefit of the community and fostering public awareness of and interest in, the history of the Footscray district.

Contact Name
Steve Wilson, Secretary
39 St Edmonds Road, Prahran VIC 3181 5.35 km

Established in 1854, the Prahran Mechanics’ Institute is a community owned and run library specialising in the history of Victoria, Australia. With more than 30,000 books for loan and a professional information service for our members, we provide a central resource for research into the history of Victoria.

In addition to our extensive lending and reference library specialising in works about Victorian history, we organise educational activities including lectures, seminars and competitions to encourage and facilitate the study of history.

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39 St Edmonds Rd, Prahran VIC 3181, Australia 5.35 km

The MIV was formed in 1998. It aims to foster the preservation and restoration of the social, cultural and physical heritage of Mechanics Institutes through the development of information exchanges and systems of mutual support.

Contact Name
Gary Bester, Treasurer
PO Box 5052 Brunswick North VIC 3056 Australia 5.4 km
03 9525 369603 9525 3696
0438 077 329 (Could be 677)0438 077 329 (Could be 677)
Contact Name
Peter Johnson
25 Thomson St, Seddon VIC 3011, Australia 5.77 km

Friends of Sandy and the australian Light Horse was founded in 2002 withthe express purpose of creating a permanment memorial to Sandy, the only horse to return from WW!. Sandy was burried in what is todaythe Defence Site Maribyrong , previouslyknown as the Remount Depot , where horses were brokenin and trained prior to being shipped off to war.

Contact Name
Pauline Ashton- President
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Old Moonee Ponds Courthouse Museum,768 Mt Alexander Rd,Moonee Ponds 3039 5.85 km

Essendon Historical Society is a non-profit organisation committed to documenting, preserving and promoting the history of the City of Moonee Valley which consists of Airport West, Ascot Vale, Avondale Heights, Essendon, Essendon North, Keilor East, Kensington, Moonee Ponds, Niddrie, Strathmore, Strathmore Heights as well as parts of Keilor and Flemington.

The Society was formed in 1970 by a group of residents who recognised the importance of preserving all aspects of local history for the benefit of present and future generations.

Early meetings were held in private homes and, later, in the Moonee Ponds Town Hall. In 1981, after a long battle, the Society obtained the use of the old Moonee Ponds Courthouse as its headquarters.

Essendon Historical Society has retained the use of the 1890 building since that time. With somewhere to display and store items of local historical interest, the community was encouraged to assist in building up various collections of local significance.

*Image Source: Essendon Historical Society Collection

Contact Name
Hayden Williams
32 Smart Street, Hawthorn VIC 3122 6.07 km

The Anglican Historical Society was founded in 1955 to preserve and publicise the history of the Anglican Church of Australia, particularly in Victoria and Melbourne, and membership is open to all who are interested in the rich history of the Anglican Church in Melbourne.

Lectures and occasional excursions are held and, at the final meeting of the year, the Annual Sydney Smith Lecture is delivered.

The Society meets monthly from February-November (except July and August), at 6.30pm on the third Wednesday of the month, at Holy Trinity, East Melbourne. New members are welcome at any meeting.

For further information, please contact the Secretary, Roger Meyer, on 9818 4950.

Contact Name
Roger Meyer
PO Box 6172 Hawthorn West VIC 3122 Australia 6.19 km
Contact Name
Melbourne Tram Museum
St Kilda VIC 3182 6.36 km

The Friends of St Kilda Cemetery Inc, have an interest in promoting the conservation and appreciation of the St Kilda Cemetery as a place of remembrance, of historic importance and of natural beauty. We conduct regular tours, research and publish many of the stories that can be told of the many pioneers of the settlement of Melbourne, and who are buried there.

PO Box 187 Yarraville Vic 3013 Australia 6.68 km
Contact Name
Steiglitz Historical Society
PO Box 583 Hawthorn Business Centre VIC 3122 Australia 6.83 km
Contact Name
Friends of the Auburn Tower Inc
Hawthorn, VIC 3122 6.83 km

The Airways Museum houses a collection of national importance that traces the development of Australia’s civil aviation airways system.

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To conduct research into the history of Kew, study its records, contact descendents of early Kew residents, bring together those who are interested in Kew Histroy at our monthly meetings. We provide a window display in the Kew Library and collect items including photos, paperwork and objects of signifcance to Kew.



Contact Name
Desley Reid- Secretary
150 Carlisle Street, St Kilda VIC, Australia 6.98 km

The St Kilda Historical Society Inc. is a not-for-profit volunteer run organisation established in 1970 to foster interest and research into the history of St Kilda, Elwood and surrounding areas.

Postal Address – PO Box 177, Balaclava VIC 3183

PO Box 2415 Hawthorn, VIC 3122 Australia 7.05 km
Contact Name
Victorian Telecommunications Museum Inc.
Showing 21 - 40 of 213 results