Nagambie Historical Society was formed in 1968 for the sole purpose of ‘retaining equipment within the town as some agricultural equipment had already left the district’. The Museum site was developed in 1870 with the construction of the stables to house the Cobb & Co horses, these stables are still standing at the rear of the Old Court House building. The Court House building was formerly the Court of Petty Sessions, Shire Office and Chambers, Post Master General’s Office, and the Registry Office for births, deaths and marriages. Later additions to the site included the first electricity plant for the Nagambie township 1912, with a further extension to this building in 1932 by the SEC. During the early 1970s, the Historical Society erected a large agricultural machinery shed at the rear of the site, and this now houses the James Forbes Museum consisting of a comprehensive range of old farm machinery made at the local foundry. The Museum houses a very large display of memorabilia and research is undertaken upon request. Opening hours are:
Opening Hours each Wednesday, 1st Saturday of month, 2nd 3rd & 4th Sunday of month – 9.30am to 12.30pm

Preserving local history about the Aboriginal Protectorate, agricultural pioneers, river crossing/irrigation history, war years, POW and internee camps, Murchison Meteorite 1969, sporting organisations history.
Preservation of artefacts and historical data and family research pertaining to local area, plus genealogical research facilities. Manning of Museum and Genealogical Research with Euroa.

The Broadford and District Historical Society covers the districts of Broadford, Strath Creek, Reedy Creek, Tyaak, Sunday Creek, Glenaroua, Flowerdale, Glenburnie, Dry Creek, Sugarloaf Creek, Clonbinane and Tallarook.
The Society was formed in 1968 with the aim of fostering historical interests and knowledge of this district, but exclusively of this district. We protect local historic buildings and collect and preserve items and records of historic interest. We run a small museum and conduct genealogical research.

The Rushworth Historic Society is custodian of the Rushworth Museum, Rushworth, Whroo and district cemetery records, Chronicle Newspaper 1869 – 1977, 1987 – Waranga News

Historical Exhibitions & publication of history book and family history.

Preservation of the history of Heathcote McIvor area, enabling stronger links to the past and transmitting this history to future generations.

Community Hall – Communities of Fawcett and Konriella

Kilmore Historical Society’s Research Centre is located in the Kilmore Court House. The collection has an extensive biographical and photographic register of information, including resources on local schools, railways and buildings.
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The Colbinabbin & District Historical Society are always looking to add to our historical collection, and are interested in sharing any information, photos and history we have of our town.
Alexandra Historical Society was established in 1997 to document and preserve local heritage, and incorporated in 2001. Originally named Murrindindi Historic Register, the name was changed in 2010 to more accurately reflect the society’s objectives.
Collecting and storing archives.
Maintenance of historic “Dove Cottage” at 6 Paynes Ave Alexandra

The Wandong History Group Inc. is proud to announce the launch of its website
Funded by the Foundation For Rural and Regional Development (FRRR) and The Ross Trust
Visit the site to learn more about our town and provide feedback on this exciting new initiative

Open Hours – 10.30 – 4.00 Tues to Sunday (inclusive) (Closed Mondays unless by appointment)

The Military History Group Inc. is based in Victoria, Australia, and is an organisation dedicated to the restoration and preservation of military vehicles and their heritage.
The MHG Inc. attends various military vehicle displays throughout Victoria and NSW. Vehicles from WW2, Korea, Malaya, Borneo, Vietnam and current conflicts are represented.