The Bellarine Historical Society’s aim is to preserve the history of the Bellarine. Over the years a dedicated team of volunteers has created a unique research centre that contains rate books, church records, and family histories. It also has a small museum which contains items of local significance. Many photos and personal records provide an insight into a world we have lost.
Postal Address – PO Box 53, Drysdale VIC 3222

The Kastellorizian Association of Victoria was established in 1925 to give assistance to the fledgling Greek community of Melbourne who emigrated from the tiny island of Kastellorizo. A Brotherhood was established offering vital social, economic and cultural support and links to its members.
With recent amendments to our Constitution, our primary purpose now is to use our activities and functions as a vehicle to assist those in need in the Kastellorizian and wider Greek Community.
These activities aim to promote among Kastellorizians and their descendents in Victoria, the cultural heritage of Kastellorizo and the integration of its community into the multicultural society of the Australian community. This includes the organisation of social functions to foster continued social interaction between families and friends of Kastellorizo, the promotion of cultural activities by organising lectures, exhibitions, recitals, musical evenings etc and the promotion of academic and/or sporting excellence by awarding prizes and scholarships.
Image: 1928 Kazzie Picnic, a very symbolic, traditional and annual event for the Kastellorizian community.
The ATA (Australian Timetable Association) is an organisation for anyone interested in the study of transport timetables, schedules, maps and associated literature.
The Hawthorn Historical Society was established to foster historical interests, to collect and preserve items of historical interest, to compile a historical record of the district and to work in association with the National Trust (Victoria), Heritage Victoria and Hawthorn Library.
The Anglican Historical Society was founded in 1955 to preserve and publicise the history of the Anglican Church of Australia, particularly in Victoria and Melbourne, and membership is open to all who are interested in the rich history of the Anglican Church in Melbourne.
Lectures and occasional excursions are held and, at the final meeting of the year, the Annual Sydney Smith Lecture is delivered.
The Society meets monthly from February-November (except July and August), at 6.30pm on the third Wednesday of the month, at Holy Trinity, East Melbourne. New members are welcome at any meeting.
For further information, please contact the Secretary, Roger Meyer, on 9818 4950.
The Airways Museum houses a collection of national importance that traces the development of Australia’s civil aviation airways system.

Postal Address: PO Box 372, Noble Park VIC 3174
Brunswick Community History Group Inc. is a community-based organisation interested in the history of our local area (Brunswick, Victoria, Australia).
Postal Address – PO Box 8, Brunswick VIC 3056
The object of the Society is to promote the study, collection and preservation of Bacchus Marsh and District’s history, historical places and objects. To promote and support historical research and publication of the same.
Postal Address – PO Box 223, Bacchus Marsh, Victoria, 3340, AUSTRALIA

Is a vibrant, enthusiastic group of volunteers who are dedicated to promoting, preserving and enhancing the cultural and environmental heritage of Hastings and surrounding areas of Western Port. The Society manages the Hastings Museum made up of the general Museum, Dad’s Shed, the Fishing Museum, the Pioneer’s Cottage with the surrounding cottage garden and the Remembrance Garden of Peace. The Museum displays in a place of honour the 40 pounder rifled breech loading Armstrong Gun used by the local defence force in Colonial days – the ‘Ham & Beef’ Battery. Gold coin admission to Museum – free to members. General meetings take place every two-months. Quarterly Morning Coffees and weekly “Wednesday Workers” at Museum every Wednesday morning. The Museum is open every Sunday 2-4, and Wednesdays 10-12 noon. The Museum can also be opened by prior arrangement.

To conduct research into the history of Kew, study its records, contact descendents of early Kew residents, bring together those who are interested in Kew Histroy at our monthly meetings. We provide a window display in the Kew Library and collect items including photos, paperwork and objects of signifcance to Kew.
Camberwell Historical Society Inc. is a Volunteer organization whose purposes are to foster historical interest and knowledge, to compile and keep historical records of the district, to promote the interchange of information among its members by lectures, discussions, excursions and other activities, to facilitate liaison with other history groups in the district and to participate in community projects.
We are affiliated with the Royal Historical Society of Victoria.
The Society holds five general meetings annually, arranges four excursions and produces flyers for forthcoming events.

Playing , listening and promoting music of the period 1450 – 1750.