Box Hill Historical Society Inc.

27 Bank Street Box Hill, Victoria, Australia 3128
27 Bank Street Box Hill Victoria 3128 AU

Formed in 1963, the Society holds local history materials including photographs, newspapers, books, journals, manuscripts, maps, oral and family histories. It holds monthly meetings with speakers, and conducts a variety of tours including that of Box Hill Cemetery. Information on tours can be found on the Box Hill Historical Society website.

Suburbs or towns: Box Hill; Bennetswood; Burwood; Mont Albert; Surrey Hills

Catalogue records online:

Whitehorse Manningham Local History Database —
Picture Victoria —

KewHS Logo in Jpeg.jpg
To conduct research into the history of Kew, study its records, contact descendents of early Kew ...
Contact Name
Desley Reid- Secretary
Hawthorn, VIC 3122 8.24 km
The Airways Museum houses a collection of national importance that traces the development of Aust...
PO Box 583 Hawthorn Business Centre VIC 3122 Australia 8.24 km
Contact Name
Friends of the Auburn Tower Inc
heidelberg historical society courthouse museum.jpg
Old Heidelberg Courthouse, Cnr 15 Jika Street and Park Lane, Heidelberg 8.4 km
We are a varied group of people with a shared interest in understanding and preserving the histor...
Contact Name
Michael Torney, Treasurer
15 Mountain Hwy, Wantirna VIC, Australia 8.75 km
Open Tuesdays 10am – 3pm Postal Address – PO Box 6007 Wantirna Mall VIC 3152 Founded ...
PO Box 184, Malvern, VIC 3144 8.77 km
Active group, bi-monthly newsletter, extensive archives, partnership with City of Stonnington.
Contact Name
Jane Nigrp - Vice -President
Uniting Church Historical Society and Archives.jpg
PO Box 5064 Hoppers Crossing, Vic. 3029 8.78 km
Aims to: Arouse interest in and promote the study and discussion of the Church, including its an...
Contact Name
Rev Robert Renton, Treasurer and Editor of Proceedings of the UC Historical Society
A networking group for golf club historians to meet, exchange ideas and become aware of what othe...
Contact Name
Ian Rennick, President
PO Box 6172 Hawthorn West VIC 3122 Australia 8.87 km
Contact Name
Melbourne Tram Museum
32 Smart Street, Hawthorn VIC 3122 8.91 km
The Anglican Historical Society was founded in 1955 to preserve and publicise the history of the ...
Contact Name
Roger Meyer
PO Box 58 Malvern VIC 3144 Australia 9.13 km
Contact Name
Stonnington History Centre
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3 Atherton Rd, Oakleigh VIC 3166, Australia 9.35 km
History Monash Inc is the former Oakleigh & District Historical Society Inc., established in ...
Contact Name
Helen Gobbi, Vice president
The MHSA Victorian Branch welcomes new members and guests and if any of your members are interest...
Contact Name
George Ward - Secretary
728 Main Road, Eltham, 3095 10.93 km
The society operates the Local History Centre at the 1860 police residence at 728 Main Road, Elth...
Contact Name
Russell Yeoman, Secretary
11 Ripley Court, Ringwood 3135 11.16 km
The Ringwood Historical Society exists to collect, research and disseminate information relating ...
Contact Name
Russ Haines, President
Established in the 1850s, Gulf Station was farmed for nearly 100 years by the Bell family. Scot...
Contact Name
Irene Kearsay
415 Church Street, Richmond 3121 11.29 km
Collecting, preserving information and materials about the history of Richmond and Burnley. Cond...
Contact Name
David Langdon, President
GEHS_152x100px (1).png
965 Glen Huntly Rd, Caulfield VIC 3162, Australia 11.33 km
Since 1972 we have been collecting, preserving and promoting the history related to the City of G...
304 Hawthorn Road, Caulfield VIC, Australia 11.73 km
The Australian Jewish Historical Society is dedicated to promoting the study of Jewry in Aus...
PO Box 304 Clifton Hill Vic 3068 11.85 km
The Collingwood Historical Society has as its area of interest the former City of Collingwood, th...
Contact Name
Anne Holmes, Secretary
Showing 21 - 40 of 203 results