The purpose of Club is to further the interests of members in the study, research and knowledge of antiques and other collectibles. Most members reside in metropolitian Melbourne. Meetings are held at St Leonard’s Uniting Church Hall, New St, Brighton.
St Leonard’s Uniting Church Hall,Wolseley Grove, Brighton 3186 (meeting place)
A networking group for golf club historians to meet, exchange ideas and become aware of what others are doing with their history and memorabilia. The meetings target Golf Club historians but anyone interested in golf history is welcome to attend.
The MHSA Victorian Branch welcomes new members and guests and if any of your members are interested in military history they are especially welcome to join us at any time.
We have recently moved to the Oakleigh-Carnegie RSL in Drummond Street, Oakleigh. We meet every fourth Thursday of the month (except December) at 8 pm.
Active group, bi-monthly newsletter, extensive archives, partnership with City of Stonnington.
The Forests Commission Retired Personnel Association is a volunteer organisation founded in 1979 by employees of Victoria’s former Forests Commission. Its aims are (inter alia) to maintain forest memorabilia for the benefit of the general public and future generations. Its Forestry Heritage Museum in the Historic Precinct of Beechworth is open to the public and it maintains its own website (
The Port Phillip Pioneers Group (PPPG) was formed in May 1970, as a special interest group of The Genealogical Society of Victoria (GSV).
The original purpose was to bring together members of the GSV who could establish direct lineal descent from Pioneers who settled or were born in the Port Phillip District of the Colony of New South Wales (the present State of Victoria) prior to 1 July 1851.
The Group became a separate Incorporated Association in April 1991 and membership of the GSV is no longer required. Linkage with the GSV is maintained as an inaugural Member Group.
The aims and objectives of PPG are:
- To perpetuate the memory of, and create a greater awareness of, the part played by the Pioneers of early settlement in the area of the present State of Victoria;
- To compile biographical and genealogical data of the Pioneers and their immediate families;
- To preserve written and printed material which illustrates aspects of Pioneer settlement in Victoria.