The Buchan Heritage Group operates out of the historic butter factory, which it is currently restoring in accordance with Heritage Victoria guidelines. Special displays are also featured in the Butter Factory at Easter and Christmas. The group’s archives include audio recordings of community forums on the history of different localities in the Buchan district.
The Adam Lindsay Gordon Commemorative Committee Inc. (A0049425F) was formed in 2006 by a group of dedicated enthusiasts. The aim of the Committee is to:
- Raise the profile of Adam Lindsay Gordon as Australia’s national poet
- Facilitate events around Australia on the anniversary of Adam Lindsay Gordon’s death
- Collate material on Adam Lindsay Gordon’s life and works and make it available to researchers and admirers alike
- Undertake projects to perpetuate the memory of Adam Lindsay Gordon
- Do all such other things as are conducive or incidental to the attainment of the above purposes or any of them.
Image: by Andrew Lutz. The piper is John Houghton from The City of Melbourne Highland Pipe Band.
Alexandra Historical Society was established in 1997 to document and preserve local heritage, and incorporated in 2001. Originally named Murrindindi Historic Register, the name was changed in 2010 to more accurately reflect the society’s objectives.
Collecting and storing archives.
Maintenance of historic “Dove Cottage” at 6 Paynes Ave Alexandra
The Altona Historical Society was formed in 1961, incorporated in 1996 and in 2000 amalgamated with the Laverton Historical Society to form the Altona-Laverton Historical Society Inc.
Its aim is to encourage the study of the history of Altona and Laverton area through the acquisition of relevant objects, photographs, information and archive material, making these available to members and the community for their research.
The society also hosts a number of events at the Altona homestead and in the park including ghost tours organised by Lantern Ghost Tours and visits by many clubs and schools. Information about these events can be found by visiting the Altona-Laverton Historical Society website.
Homested Opening Times
Tuesdays 11-2pm
Saturday 10-12pm
First Sunday of the month – 10.30-2.30pm
The museum is located at Factory 1 / 55 Barry Street, Bayswater. It is open for individual, group or club visits by appointment. Vehicles, memorabilia and retired ambulance personnel are also available for public and corporate events and displays.
The American Ex-Servicemen’s Association is a social organization formed for the purpose of promoting the welfare of American Ex-Servicemen and women in Australia and to secure better relations between Americans and the Australian Community. We join together to enjoy comradery and remember those who have served our home country
The American Ex-Servicemen’s Association was started in March 1946 by a group of American Service personnel who emigrated to Australia.
Opening Times
Thursdays 10am-12noon
Sundays by appointment only
The Andrew Ross Museum was officially opened in March 1993 and through the hard work and dedication of its volunteers is now fully accredited with Museums Australia.
The Museum’s namesake, Andrew Ross, was the first schoolmaster in the district as well as a keen recorder of contemporary life and he left a remarkable written legacy to the Kangaroo Ground community. Our exhibitions explore the life and times of Andrew Ross and also Kangaroo Ground, the land and its people from pre-European time to the present.
We maintain collections that include the old schoolhouse building that the museum is house in, artefacts of local significance, a photographic collection and an extensive archive of documents relating to the district. Publications relating to local history are also available.
The Anglesea & District Historical Society is a non-profit organisation staffed by volunteer members of the community, whose aim is to research and preserve history of the local area.
Opening Hours – History House is at 5a McMillan St, Anglesea (Entrance 4 of Community Precinct), and is open between 2:00 – 4:00pm on the second Sunday of each month and on every Sunday of the School Holidays, or by appointment, Phone 0448 526 311.
Postal address: P.O. Box 98, Anglesea, Victoria, Australia. 3230.
The Anglican Historical Society was founded in 1955 to preserve and publicise the history of the Anglican Church of Australia, particularly in Victoria and Melbourne, and membership is open to all who are interested in the rich history of the Anglican Church in Melbourne.
Lectures and occasional excursions are held and, at the final meeting of the year, the Annual Sydney Smith Lecture is delivered.
The Society meets monthly from February-November (except July and August), at 6.30pm on the third Wednesday of the month, at Holy Trinity, East Melbourne. New members are welcome at any meeting.
For further information, please contact the Secretary, Roger Meyer, on 9818 4950.
Apollo Bay and District Historical Society operates the Old Cable Station Museum at 6250 Great Ocean Road, Apollo Bay, The collection includes a photograph collection, family history collection and local archives.
Opening hours: Saturday, 2-5 pm. Sunday, 10am-1pm. Or email for mid week appointments for Museum visits or research.
Profile photo is of the Apollo Bay Museum, located in the old Telegraph Cable Station, Apollo Bay.
The Arapiles Historical Society (AHS) is volunteer run and community supported. Based in the town of Natimuk, AHS have three sites – the Court House, former Natimuk Garage and the former Natimuk Masonic Hall.
We record and preserve items and documents, family histories, locally made machinery.
Image: Former court house in Natimuk, now a museum in the Arapiles Historical Society precinct.
The society is interested in local history which is on display in Langi Morgala Museum which includes mining, railways, church, council business, home life, sport, armed services, transport and agriculture.
The ATA (Australian Timetable Association) is an organisation for anyone interested in the study of transport timetables, schedules, maps and associated literature.
The Australian Garden History Society promotes awareness and conservation of significant gardens and cultural landscapes through engagement, research, advocacy and activities.
Formed in 1980, the AGHS brings together people from diverse backgrounds united by an appreciation of and concern for our parks, gardens and cultural landscapes as part of Australia’s heritage. The Society promotes knowledge of historic gardens, significant landscapes and research into their history. It aims to examine gardens and gardening in their widest social, historic, literary, artistic and scientific context.
Open Tuesdays 10am – 3pm
Postal Address – PO Box 6007 Wantirna Mall VIC 3152
Founded in 1996 as the Victorian Jazz Archive (VJA), the Australian Jazz Museum (AJM) came about from the strongly voiced desire to preserve Australia’s jazz heritage, and for it to be readily accessible to musicians, collectors, donors and others throughout Australia.
In 2003 VJA was accredited as a Museum by Museums Australia (Victoria). In 2014 the VJA changed its name to Australian Jazz Museum – to reflect the Museum’s Australia-wide mission, collection and membership.
The Australian Jewish Historical Society is dedicated to promoting the study of Jewry in Australia from 1788. Since its founding the Society has sought to compile and make available unique and authentic records relating to the Jewish people in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands via the acquisition and preservation of historically significant documents and materials. Equally, the Society has pursued the conservation of places of Jewish interest and continues to foster the interchange of information through lectures, discussions and exhibitions of historical interest or value

Funding was obtained from the Victorian Multicultural Commission in 2005 to establish The Australian Lebanese Historical Society of Victoria. ALHSV was incorporated on July 7 2005 and formally launched at the Royal Historical Society of Victoria, Melbourne, on 4 October 2006.
We welcome as members all who have an interest in the ALHSV goals and activities.
The ALHSV is run by a Council with elections held bi-annually.
We aim to…
- Foster research, writing and exhibitions on Lebanese heritage, culture and history in Victoria.
- Identify and record materials related to Lebanese migration and settlement in Victoria.
- Promote the study and publication of the contributions of the Lebanese Community to Australian society.
- Liaise with mainstream collecting and displaying bodies such as museums, libraries, archival resource centres and cultural organisations.
- Build understanding of their cultural heritage among the Australian-Lebanese Community of Victoria.
- Sponsor and develop applications for projects in support of the above.
The ASM is a vibrant and modern organisation, boasting a grand tradition. Founded in 1907, it is the oldest Magical Society in the Southern Hemisphere and the fourth oldest in the world. It is the largest club in Melbourne, currently numbering 120 professional, part-time professional and amateur magicians.
The AVdGS is a non-profit incorporated society established in 2000 to promote the viola da gamba in Australia and New Zealand. We run an annual national workshop and produce a quarterly newsletter.