Central Highlands Historical Association [CHHA] is a vital link in the regional history network being the umbrella association for over 30 historical societies, museums and family history organisations in the central highlands region of Victoria. CHHA continues to be an active and innovative organisation. It is represented at Local and State levels on matters of joint concern to its members.
The Daylesford & District Historical Society was formed in 1964 and the Museum established in 1971.
The Museum has approximately 800 square metres of interior displays and approximately 250 square metres of covered yard and houses an large collection of local memorabilia and artefacts.
The museum has extensive archival resources that are accessible by arrangement for research to researchers and genealogists.
Contact Us
03 5348 1453
Visit our website
Opening Hours
Saturdays : 11 am – 3 pm
During the week by appointment
Entry Fee: Adults $5.00 Children Free
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Friends of Cornish Hill are a Landcare group. Our connection with RHSV goes back to the day when Cornish Hill Reserve was saved from sale by members of the local community who realised the value of the Reserve as being historically and environmentally significant.
The Friends have been beavering away restoring the Smiths creek corridor to bring it back to what it looked like before mining ravaged the landscape.
Image: Friends of Cornish Hill working bee in June 2018

The Beaufort Historical Society is situated in the former Beaufort Court House, in Livingstone St, next door to the Uniting Church. The society has an extensive collection of family histories, photographs, newspapers, school and cemeteries records, etc.
Suburbs or towns: Beaufort; Chute; Raglan; Trawalla; Shirley; Waterloo; Stockyard Hill; Lake Goldsmith; Nerring; Eurambeen
Postal Address: 9 Livingstone Street, Beaufort VIC 3373

Trentham Historical Society works to preserve, and make available to the public, the history of the township of Trentham and the surrounding district including the settlements of Little Hampton, East Trentham, Spring Hill, Fern Hill and Tylden. The society publishes a quarterly newsletter and booklets from time to time and also holds an annual exhibition.

President – Leanne Boyle
In 1863 the Newstead Court of Petty Sessions was built to the design of colonial architect John James Clark.
In February 1986 a group of interested people met and formed the Newstead & District Historical Society Inc.
In 1987 the Society applied through the then Shire of Newstead to the Department formerly named Conservation, Forests & Lands for the use of the old courthouse as a venue. The application was successful and since then members have carried out a great deal of work both in restoring and maintaining the building as well as collecting and conserving the history of the area. Our building is unique in that no alterations or additions have been done to it.
The object of the Society is to promote the study, collection and preservation of Bacchus Marsh and District’s history, historical places and objects. To promote and support historical research and publication of the same.
Postal Address – PO Box 223, Bacchus Marsh, Victoria, 3340, AUSTRALIA

Cressy & District History Group Inc promotes the history of Cressy and district, documenting, preserving, displaying information and research.

Carisbrook Historical Society’s collection includes a large number of photographs and a range of school, cemetery and family history records.
Open by appointment
Worsley Cottage Museum, an 1894 stone cottage, is the home of the society. The collection includes domestic items and artefacts from the era, outdoor displays and a cottage garden. There is also an 1840 slab and daub pioneer hut with wooden shingle roof. Research facilities are also available.
Postal Address – PO Box 265 Maryborough 3465
Hours: Tues/Thurs 10am-12noon & Sun 2pm -4pm
The Gisborne & Mount Macedon Districts Historical Society’s collection covers the localities of Cabbage Tree; Couangalt; South Gisborne; Gisborne; New Gisborne; Bullengarook; Macedon; Mount Macedon; Barringo; Cherokee; Hesket; Kerrie; & Riddells Creek.
A dedicated group of volunteer members of the Historical Society meet regulary to assist with the accessioning, conservation, filing and indexing of the collection, to assist visitors to the Court House and to attend to research enquiries received by phone, mail or email. A research fee of $25.00 per surname or topic applies.
The beautifully restored, 1858 Gisborne Court House, home of Gisborne and Mount Macedon Districts Historical Society is open to the public each Wednesday from 10am to 4pm, when volunteers are in attendance to assist with family and local history research enquiries. The Family and Local History Resource Centre at the Court House may be opened at other times by appointment.
Collection and conservation of local and family history documents, photos, and maps.
The society was established in 1984 and is dedicated to preserving, collecting and researching the history of Avoca and the surrounding district.
The headquarters of the Society is an historic building at 85 High Street, Avoca, which was the Avoca Court House from 1859 to 1979. It now contains a local history & family history resource centre containing thousands of documents, photographs, maps, microfilm of local newspapers & rate books, artifacts, etc., pertaining to the localities in the Avoca district.
Postal Address PO Box 24 Avoca VIC 3467

Preservation of our mechanical heritage& working old machineryincluding tractors and farm equipment, but not limited to.
Collecting and collating paper records and oral histories for Inverleigh and surrounding districts.
Image Donations from any era is graciously accepted.
We meet at the Inverleigh Public Hall & Mechanics Institute on the Fourth Wednesday of each month from 2-4pm, February to November.
Suburbs or towns: Inverleigh; Murgheboluc; Shelford; Teesdale; Doreq; Hesse
Formed in 1987, the society aims to preserve and promote the history and heritage of Malmsbury and surrounding districts.
Profile Image by Susan Walter

Kyneton Historical Society is a voluntary non-profit incorporated community organisation, comprising people from many fields committed to collecting, preserving, researching and sharing the wealth of material that is our heritage, and for which we as members are custodians.
The Castlemaine Historical Society was formed in 1965 to study, record and promote the historical heritage of Castlemaine and District. It operated for many years from temporary premises in various locations. In 1996 the Society was granted a lease to its present home in the historic Former Court House.
Meetings (with interesting guest speakers), exhibitions, a monthly newsletter, guided tours, the development, cataloguing and maintenance of an historic archive collection, indexing of records and the provision of a research service are the major activities of the members.
Archives held by the Society include early directories, voters lists, local newspaper index and some records and indexes concerning mining leases, rates, schools, churches and cemeteries.
Postal Address – PO Box 655, Castlemaine 3450
The Woodend and District Heritage Society operates a local and family history resource centre. The collection is fully indexed and relates to the Old Shire of Newham & Woodend, Ashbourne, Hesket, early Rochford, part Macedon, part Carlsruhe.
Built in 1870, the court house in Forest St was the second court building in Woodend.
It was used for criminal cases until 1964 and for coroner’s court hearings until the 1970s. Now it’s home to the Woodend & District Heritage Society.
You can find us at Woodend’s old court house every Wednesday, from February to November (10am-12.30pm and 1.30pm-4pm).