The Collingwood Historical Society has as its area of interest the former City of Collingwood, that is, the suburbs now known as Abbotsford, Clifton Hill, and Collingwood in Victoria, Australia.
Collingwood Historical Society had its beginnings in the 1970s as a local interest group in the former City of Collingwood. The Society:
- Promotes public awareness of our local history.
- Promotes the conservation of Collingwood’s heritage places.
- Organises events such as talks, displays and history walks.
- Collects historical material relating to Collingwood, Clifton Hill and Abbotsford.
- Records history in the form of photos, oral history tapes, publications, and electronic resources.
The History Council of Victoria Incorporated (HCV) is the peak body for history in the Australian state of Victoria. Its vision is to connect Victorians with history and to inspire engagement with the past, their identity and the world today.
The HCV was formed as an advisory body in 2001 and incorporated in 2003. It comprises representatives from cultural institutions and heritage bodies; history teachers and curriculum advisors; academic and professional historians; and local, Indigenous, community and specialist history organisations.
The HCV delivers a number of accessible and well-received history-focused initiatives. These include:
- History Roadshow
This program delivers curriculum enrichment sessions for VCE history students and teachers in regional Victoria . The program is funded by the Strategic Partnership Program of the state government’s Department of Education and Training.
- History Roadshow
- Making Public Histories
This seminar series explores issues and approaches in making public histories. The program is being offered jointly by HCV, Monash University and the Old Treasury Building, with sponsorship from the School of Philosophical, Historical and International Studies at Monash University and also from Monash University Publishing.
- Making Public Histories
- Annual Lecture
Since 2004, the lecture has been delivered by eminent and respected authorities.
- Annual Lecture
- Projects such as Drought Stories (a spoken and visual history of recent drought in Victoria, recording the experience of drought-affected communities up to 2010) and One Place, Many Stories (a free online resource designed for teachers and middle to upper primary students as a way of engaging children in the history of Victoria).
- Since 2015, the HCV has been pleased to sponsor the Years 9 and 10 category of the Historical Fiction Competition organised by the History Teachers’ Association of Victoria.
To conduct research into the history of Kew, study its records, contact descendents of early Kew residents, bring together those who are interested in Kew Histroy at our monthly meetings. We provide a window display in the Kew Library and collect items including photos, paperwork and objects of signifcance to Kew.
The Hotham History Project is a community group with an interest in the history of North and West Melbourne. North Melbourne was known as Hotham from the 1850s to 1887.
Activities Include: Researching, writing and publishing the history of North and West Melbourne, and organising history related activities such as walks and talks.
Visit Hotham History Project Bookstore for publications
The Airways Museum houses a collection of national importance that traces the development of Australia’s civil aviation airways system.
The Hawthorn Historical Society was established to foster historical interests, to collect and preserve items of historical interest, to compile a historical record of the district and to work in association with the National Trust (Victoria), Heritage Victoria and Hawthorn Library.
Brunswick Community History Group Inc. is a community-based organisation interested in the history of our local area (Brunswick, Victoria, Australia).
Postal Address – PO Box 8, Brunswick VIC 3056
Established in 1854, the Prahran Mechanics’ Institute is a community owned and run library specialising in the history of Victoria, Australia. With more than 30,000 books for loan and a professional information service for our members, we provide a central resource for research into the history of Victoria.
In addition to our extensive lending and reference library specialising in works about Victorian history, we organise educational activities including lectures, seminars and competitions to encourage and facilitate the study of history.
The MIV was formed in 1998. It aims to foster the preservation and restoration of the social, cultural and physical heritage of Mechanics Institutes through the development of information exchanges and systems of mutual support.
Formed in 1993 to preserve the identity of this historic port town in the face of amalgamation. Large collection of documents and photos 1860 onwards. Genealogical database, monthly meetings with speakers, weekly work sessions, busy program of research projects, publishing, exhibitions.
Cemetery research and talks; walking tours through Boroondara (Kew) Cemetery; conservation of cemetery.
Our aims:
- Promote awareness and the preservation of Middle Park history.
- Involve and encourage the Middle Park community to actively participate in historical research.
- Seek from the community oral histories, photographs and moving images, documents and artefacts relevant to Middle Park history.
- Encourage research by government, educational institutions and others that can illuminate Middle Park history and culture.
- Seek resources, both financially and in-kind to enhance the work of the Group.
Image: courtesy of State Library of Victoria (Rose Stereograph Co. (1920). ARMSTRONG STREET, MIDDLE PARK, VICTORIA).
Postal Address – PO Box 5276, MIDDLE PARK 3206
Active group, bi-monthly newsletter, extensive archives, partnership with City of Stonnington.
A networking group for golf club historians to meet, exchange ideas and become aware of what others are doing with their history and memorabilia. The meetings target Golf Club historians but anyone interested in golf history is welcome to attend.
The Friends of St Kilda Cemetery Inc, have an interest in promoting the conservation and appreciation of the St Kilda Cemetery as a place of remembrance, of historic importance and of natural beauty. We conduct regular tours, research and publish many of the stories that can be told of the many pioneers of the settlement of Melbourne, and who are buried there.