Foster historical interest and knowledge in Foster & District; collect, preserve, catalogue and exhibit historical collection in a Museum at Foster; conduct research and publish historical material.

To preserve local history information for future generations.
Formed in 1964 to collect and preserve the history of the area, the society has a large collection of books, photographs, documents, other printed material, artefacts and family history information. Our home is the Mechanic’s Institute, Leongatha, where we store our collection and present our bi-annual exhibitions.
Suburbs or towns: Leongatha; Gippsland; South Gippsland
Opening times Thursday and Friday 12 to 4 pm or at request

Housed in the old Boolarra Primary School, the aims and objectives of the society are to collect, record and display the history of Boolarra and district, and to foster historical interest and knowledge. Photographic collection, static displays of memorabilia and a small library of history books. Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of every month, featuring guest speakers.

Inverloch Historical Society is a meeting group of about 50 members who come together for fellowship to listen to speakers on matters historical and twice a year (May and September) visit places of historical and common interest. We conduct Historical Town Walks (Christmas) and sell 20 books on local and family history. Two bus trips per year for members.
The society meets on the first Thursday of the month with a guest speaker. The society are usually open each Tuesday from 1.30 – 4 p.m. for people to drop in. There is a wonderful photograph collection as well as books, cemetery records, manuscripts, maps, newspapers and memorabilia.
Opening times 10am – 3pm Wednesday, 11am -3pm during Winter or by appointment
The Society has many items of historical interest, an extensive archive of local district history, ephemera and other memorabilia covering the Old Alberton Shire.
The Yarram & District Historical Society has a long and disinquished history. First formed in May 1911, it was the first sub-history centre of The Royal Historical Society of Victoria to be formed in Victoria.
Under the leadership of Rev. George Cox this group flourished until Rev. Cox in 1915 enlisted and went to serve in the war,the group then closed. The Society was reformed in 1964.
Postal Address – PO Box 213, Yarram 3971

Local history society dedicated to preserving and promoting interest in the history of Morwell and district.

The Wonthaggi and District Historical Society had its beginning in the late 1950’s when a number of interested citizens saw the need to preserve Wonthaggi’s history. A public meeting was held and the historical society was formed. Over the ensuing years the collection of artifacts has grown, as has its collection of photographs and documents. The society has copies of most local newspapers, some dating back to 1910; audio tapes of many and varied speakers with their rich tapestry of experiences and observations.
Suburbs or towns: Wonthaggi; Dalyston; Archies Creek; Cape Paterson; Kilcunda; Glen Alvie
Profile Image: Wonthaggi Railway Station Museum, home of the Wonthaggi & District Historical Society

The Moe & District Historical Society maintain an extensive archive and museum of documents and memorabilia relating to the area. Specific displays cover various areas and aspects of the region’s history. Our newsletter “Coach News” is published quarterly.

Public displays, school visits, annual festival display and guest speaking

We collect local history, photos, small memorabilia, and preserve them for the future.

Archived research. Publishing local and family histories in the Bass Valley
A small group of interested persons in late 2011 decided to establish a group that would collate and preserve the local history of our area.
The Bunyip Historical Society’s home is at the Bunyip Hall and located in what is colloquially known as the “RSL room”. We do not open to the public as yet, but is in our future plans.
Postal Address – PO Box 126, Bunyip, VIC 3815

Rosedale and district heritage preservation, collection committee, cataloguing, restoration. Memorial Rose Garden – Early Settlers