Cornish Hill Reserve Daylesford Vic 3460
22 Orford Street
03 5324 211203 5324 2112
0409 216 2510409 216 251
Contact Name
Margaret Thomas
Friends of Cornish Hill are a Landcare group. Our connection with RHSV goes back to the day when Cornish Hill Reserve was saved from sale by members of the local community who realised the value of the Reserve as being historically and environmentally significant.
The Friends have been beavering away restoring the Smiths creek corridor to bring it back to what it looked like before mining ravaged the landscape.
Image: Friends of Cornish Hill working bee in June 2018
PO Box 272, Yankalilla, South Australia 5203
The Adam Lindsay Gordon Commemorative Committee Inc. (A0049425F) was formed in 2006 by a group of...
Alexandra Historical Society was established in 1997 to document and preserve local heritage, and...
The Altona Historical Society was formed in 1961, incorporated in 1996 and in 2000 amalgamated wi...
1/55 Barry Street, Bayswater VIC, Australia
The museum is located at Factory 1 / 55 Barry Street, Bayswater. It is open for individual, group...
The American Ex-Servicemen’s Association is a social organization formed for the purpose of...
Main Road, Kangaroo Ground VIC, 3097 Australia
Opening Times Thursdays 10am-12noon Sundays by appointment only The Andrew Ross Museum was offici...
5a McMillan St, Anglesea VIC, Australia
The Anglesea & District Historical Society is a non-profit organisation staffed by volunteer ...
The Anglican Historical Society was founded in 1955 to preserve and publicise the history of the ...
Contact Name
Roger Meyer
6250 Great Ocean Road, Apollo Bay VIC 3233, Australia
Apollo Bay and District Historical Society operates the Old Cable Station Museum at 6250 Great Oc...
Courthouse Museum, Main Street, Natimuk 3409Machinery, 34 Jory St, Natimuk 3409
The Arapiles Historical Society (AHS) is volunteer run and community supported. Based in the town...
The society is interested in local history which is on display in Langi Morgala Museum which incl...
The ATA (Australian Timetable Association) is an organisation for anyone interested in the study ...
Contact Name
Australian Timetable Association
100 Birdwood Avenue, Melbourne 3004
The Australian Garden History Society promotes awareness and conservation of significant gardens ...
15 Mountain Hwy, Wantirna VIC, Australia
Open Tuesdays 10am – 3pm Postal Address – PO Box 6007 Wantirna Mall VIC 3152 Founded ...
304 Hawthorn Road, Caulfield VIC, Australia
The Australian Jewish Historical Society is dedicated to promoting the study of Jewry in Aus...

Funding was obtained from the Victorian Multicultural Commission in 2005 to establish The Austral...
Contact Name
Sam Haddad JP OAM
The ASM is a vibrant and modern organisation, boasting a grand tradition. Founded in 1907, it is ...
The AVdGS is a non-profit incorporated society established in 2000 to promote the viola da gamba ...

100 Vincent Street, Daylesford VIC 3460, Australia 0.48 km
The Daylesford & District Historical Society was formed in 1964 and the Museum established in...
Contact Name
Anne Tamblyn, Secretary
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