27 Howell Road, Plenty, Vic. 3090 22.27 km
9435 91179435 9117
Plenty Historical Society Inc was formed in February 2001 and comprises a group of people keen to...
Contact Name
Alan Pearce, Honorary Treasurer and Public Officer
122 George Street, East Melbourne VIC, Australia 22.44 km
The East Melbourne Historical Society holds meetings 6 times a year either a talk on subject rele...
722 Yan Yean Rd, Yarrambat VIC 3091, Australia 23.01 km
The Yarrambat Historical Society Inc was formed in 1990 with the mission “To preserve and p...
Contact Name
Brendon Smith, Secretary

Port Melbourne Town Hall, 333 Bay Street, Port Melbourne Vic. 3207 23.28 km
Formed in 1993 to preserve the identity of this historic port town in the face of amalgamation. L...
Contact Name
Emma Teasdale, Secretary
100 Birdwood Avenue, Melbourne 3004 23.56 km
The Australian Garden History Society promotes awareness and conservation of significant gardens ...

100 Birdwood Avenue Melbourne VIC 3004 Australia 23.56 km
(03) 9650 6398(03) 9650 6398
Contact Name
The Friends of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne Inc.

kew 3102 23.74 km
Cemetery research and talks; walking tours through Boroondara (Kew) Cemetery; conservation of cem...
Contact Name
Pauline Turville
Melbourne VIC 3004, Australia 23.75 km
The C J La Trobe Society Inc. was formed in 2001 to promote understanding and appreciation of the...
Montmorency 3094 VIC 23.87 km
Established in the 1850s, Gulf Station was farmed for nearly 100 years by the Bell family. Scot...
Contact Name
Irene Kearsay

415 Church Street, Richmond 3121 23.94 km
9427 1800 : 0425 765 3429427 1800 : 0425 765 342
Collecting, preserving information and materials about the history of Richmond and Burnley. Cond...
Contact Name
David Langdon, President
Civic Drive, Kew 23.99 km
To conduct research into the history of Kew, study its records, contact descendents of early Kew ...
Contact Name
Desley Reid- Secretary
32 Smart Street, Hawthorn VIC 3122 24.29 km
The Anglican Historical Society was founded in 1955 to preserve and publicise the history of the ...
Contact Name
Roger Meyer

PO Box 6172 Hawthorn West VIC 3122 Australia 24.75 km
(03) 9819 6447(03) 9819 6447
Contact Name
Melbourne Tram Museum
100 Douglas Parade Williamstown VIC, 3016 24.76 km
(03) 9397 1534 – Answering machine, checked on Wed(03) 9397 1534 – Answering machine, checked on Wed
Established in 1956, the Williamstown Historical Society was established to highlight the diverse...
Contact Name
Russell Brown - President
PO Box 19 Coldstream VIC 3770 24.79 km
The American Ex-Servicemen’s Association is a social organization formed for the purpose of...
Hawthorn, VIC 3122 25.18 km
The Airways Museum houses a collection of national importance that traces the development of Aust...

PO Box 583 Hawthorn Business Centre VIC 3122 Australia 25.18 km
Contact Name
Friends of the Auburn Tower Inc

10 Pyke Place, Kurunjang 3337 VIC Australia 25.21 km
0409 306 6400409 306 640
Contact Name
Deb Slattery

PO Box 514 Williamstown VIC 3016 Australia 25.28 km
0419 770 0660419 770 066
Contact Name
Dr Allan Mawdsley

PO Box 2415 Hawthorn, VIC 3122 Australia 25.34 km
03 9819 119903 9819 1199
Contact Name
Victorian Telecommunications Museum Inc.