Golf Society of Australia

Malvern 3144 VIC
15 Glenview Avenue Malvern Victoria 3144 AU
Contact Name
Ian Rennick, President

A networking group for golf club historians to meet, exchange ideas and become aware of what others are doing with their history and memorabilia. The meetings target Golf Club historians but anyone interested in golf history is welcome to attend.

Carlton North VIC 3054, Australia 9.11 km

The Carlton Community History Group, an historical society focusing on the history of Carlton, Carlton North and Princes Hill.

Postal Address – PO Box 148, North Carlton VIC 3054

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c/o North Melbourne Library, 66 Errol Street, North Melbourne 3051 9.36 km

The Hotham History Project is a community group with an interest in the history of North and West Melbourne. North Melbourne was known as Hotham from the 1850s to 1887.

Activities Include: Researching, writing and publishing the history of North and West Melbourne, and organising history related activities such as walks and talks.

Visit Hotham History Project Bookstore for publications 

Contact Name
Mary Kehoe, Secretary
friends of gallipoli logo.jpg
Hampton VIC, Australia 9.57 km

Friends of Gallipoli work with schools and organisations to develop cultural and educational projects. Our programs create opportunities for Australian youth to visit Gallipoli, Turkey and attend Anzac Day ceremonies. The group actively supports fundraising activities to help schools and youth organisations attract sponsorship, grants and donations.

The main organisation goal is broadening the perspective of Australian and Turkish youth. Promotion of international friendships based around a shared Gallipoli history is key to the facilitation and planning of education projects. Youth tours are central to the groups’ activities and open the door for young people to explore each others’ lifestyle and culture.

Friends of Gallipoli is a self-governing not-for-profit organisation. The group has no political or religious affiliations and is run entirely by volunteers. Features of the organisation’s governance include clear accountabilities and transparency in the conduct and outcomes of our activities.

The group’s patron is Major General [retired] Jim Molan and its Chairman is RSL Anzac Peace Prize recipient Dr V John Basarin . For many years, Dr Basarin has been committed to building understanding of the Gallipoli Campaign through Rotary Youth Exchange. Friends of Gallipoli is his most recent youth project.

Contact Name
Dr Michael Sturmfels, Secretary
Image: 1928 Kazzie Picnic, a very symbolic, traditional and annual event for the Kastellorizian community.
North Carlton 3054 VIC Australia 9.64 km

The Kastellorizian Association of Victoria was established in 1925 to give assistance to the fledgling Greek community of Melbourne who emigrated from the tiny island of Kastellorizo. A Brotherhood was established offering vital social, economic and cultural support and links to its members.

With recent amendments to our Constitution, our primary purpose now is to use our activities and functions as a vehicle to assist those in need in the Kastellorizian and wider Greek Community.

These activities aim to promote among Kastellorizians and their descendents in Victoria, the cultural heritage of Kastellorizo and the integration of its community into the multicultural society of the Australian community. This includes the organisation of social functions to foster continued social interaction between families and friends of Kastellorizo, the promotion of cultural activities by organising lectures, exhibitions, recitals, musical evenings etc and the promotion of academic and/or sporting excellence by awarding prizes and scholarships.

Image: 1928 Kazzie Picnic, a very symbolic, traditional and annual event for the Kastellorizian community.

Contact Name
Florence Livery, KAV Archivist
1/15 Rice St Moorabbin 3189 9.76 km

The Harry Hawker Society’s primary purpose is to promote and maintain knowledge, of the work, exploits and life of Harry George hawker MBE AFC. by exbititions, displays, publications and memorials to Harry hawker, his associates, his partners abd friends that gave him encouragement, pushed him to his great achievements and supported his developments in aviation.

Contact Name
James A DaleTreasurer Ms Wendy Bradley - 03 9704 8804
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