A networking group for golf club historians to meet, exchange ideas and become aware of what others are doing with their history and memorabilia. The meetings target Golf Club historians but anyone interested in golf history is welcome to attend.

Active group, bi-monthly newsletter, extensive archives, partnership with City of Stonnington.

The Port Phillip Pioneers Group (PPPG) was formed in May 1970, as a special interest group of The Genealogical Society of Victoria (GSV).
The original purpose was to bring together members of the GSV who could establish direct lineal descent from Pioneers who settled or were born in the Port Phillip District of the Colony of New South Wales (the present State of Victoria) prior to 1 July 1851.
The Group became a separate Incorporated Association in April 1991 and membership of the GSV is no longer required. Linkage with the GSV is maintained as an inaugural Member Group.
The aims and objectives of PPG are:
- To perpetuate the memory of, and create a greater awareness of, the part played by the Pioneers of early settlement in the area of the present State of Victoria;
- To compile biographical and genealogical data of the Pioneers and their immediate families;
- To preserve written and printed material which illustrates aspects of Pioneer settlement in Victoria.

The Forests Commission Retired Personnel Association is a volunteer organisation founded in 1979 by employees of Victoria’s former Forests Commission. Its aims are (inter alia) to maintain forest memorabilia for the benefit of the general public and future generations. Its Forestry Heritage Museum in the Historic Precinct of Beechworth is open to the public and it maintains its own website (https://www.victoriasforestryheritage.org.au/).
The ATA (Australian Timetable Association) is an organisation for anyone interested in the study of transport timetables, schedules, maps and associated literature.
The Hawthorn Historical Society was established to foster historical interests, to collect and preserve items of historical interest, to compile a historical record of the district and to work in association with the National Trust (Victoria), Heritage Victoria and Hawthorn Library.

Camberwell Historical Society Inc. is a Volunteer organization whose purposes are to foster historical interest and knowledge, to compile and keep historical records of the district, to promote the interchange of information among its members by lectures, discussions, excursions and other activities, to facilitate liaison with other history groups in the district and to participate in community projects.
We are affiliated with the Royal Historical Society of Victoria.
The Society holds five general meetings annually, arranges four excursions and produces flyers for forthcoming events.
The Airways Museum houses a collection of national importance that traces the development of Australia’s civil aviation airways system.

The Australian Jewish Historical Society is dedicated to promoting the study of Jewry in Australia from 1788. Since its founding the Society has sought to compile and make available unique and authentic records relating to the Jewish people in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands via the acquisition and preservation of historically significant documents and materials. Equally, the Society has pursued the conservation of places of Jewish interest and continues to foster the interchange of information through lectures, discussions and exhibitions of historical interest or value
Aims to:
- Arouse interest in and promote the study and discussion
of the Church, including its antecedent churches; - Promote the collection and preservation
of historical documents, artifacts and records; - Publish historical articles and lectures;
- Promote the interchange of historical information
by lectures, readings and discussion; - Cooperate with other societies interested in
Victorian history, and the history of the Uniting Churches.
Since 1972 we have been collecting, preserving and promoting the history related to the City of Glen Eira. Originally aligned to the former City of Caulfield, we cover the suburbs of Bentleigh, Bentleigh East, Carnegie, Caulfield, Elsternwick, Glen Huntly, McKinnon, Murrumbeena and Ormond plus parts of Brighton East, Gardenvale and St Kilda East.
Our collection includes documents, photos, maps, family histories and books.
Open Tuesday and Friday 9am – 12noon
Postal Address: PO Box 202, Caulfield South VIC 3162, Australia
The MIV was formed in 1998. It aims to foster the preservation and restoration of the social, cultural and physical heritage of Mechanics Institutes through the development of information exchanges and systems of mutual support.
Established in 1854, the Prahran Mechanics’ Institute is a community owned and run library specialising in the history of Victoria, Australia. With more than 30,000 books for loan and a professional information service for our members, we provide a central resource for research into the history of Victoria.
In addition to our extensive lending and reference library specialising in works about Victorian history, we organise educational activities including lectures, seminars and competitions to encourage and facilitate the study of history.
The Anglican Historical Society was founded in 1955 to preserve and publicise the history of the Anglican Church of Australia, particularly in Victoria and Melbourne, and membership is open to all who are interested in the rich history of the Anglican Church in Melbourne.
Lectures and occasional excursions are held and, at the final meeting of the year, the Annual Sydney Smith Lecture is delivered.
The Society meets monthly from February-November (except July and August), at 6.30pm on the third Wednesday of the month, at Holy Trinity, East Melbourne. New members are welcome at any meeting.
For further information, please contact the Secretary, Roger Meyer, on 9818 4950.
The St Kilda Historical Society Inc. is a not-for-profit volunteer run organisation established in 1970 to foster interest and research into the history of St Kilda, Elwood and surrounding areas.
Postal Address – PO Box 177, Balaclava VIC 3183

Collecting, preserving information and materials about the history of Richmond and Burnley. Conducting research, walks and talks to promote understanding of our heritage.

The Friends of St Kilda Cemetery Inc, have an interest in promoting the conservation and appreciation of the St Kilda Cemetery as a place of remembrance, of historic importance and of natural beauty. We conduct regular tours, research and publish many of the stories that can be told of the many pioneers of the settlement of Melbourne, and who are buried there.