Preservation of the history of Heathcote McIvor area, enabling stronger links to the past and transmitting this history to future generations.

The Wandong History Group Inc. is proud to announce the launch of its website
Funded by the Foundation For Rural and Regional Development (FRRR) and The Ross Trust
Visit the site to learn more about our town and provide feedback on this exciting new initiative

Preserving local history about the Aboriginal Protectorate, agricultural pioneers, river crossing/irrigation history, war years, POW and internee camps, Murchison Meteorite 1969, sporting organisations history.

The Maldon Vintage Machinery & Museum houses a wonderful display of vintage machinery and has evolved into a fabulous museum with artifacts from the region and afield. Items from Gold mining. the industrial Revolution, Fire Fighting, Farming to the Home.
The museum is ran by volunteers and members. We aim to open on the times listed below, but things do pop up from time-to-time. It is best that you give us a call first, particularly if you are travelling some distance to get to us. We can be contacted on 03 5472 2202.
Wednesdays: 11AM-3PM
Saturdays: 10AM-4PM
Sundays: 2nd Sunday of the Month 10AM-4PM
We are a combined museum and history centre.
Many thousands of artefacts and records relating to the district from 1840 to present day form the collection which is housed in the former Maldon Market House. The Maldon Market House is listed on the Victorian Heritage Register. The museum has many displays that present a fascinating insight into the history and heritage of the district and the archives provide a valuable research resource.

The Military History Group Inc. is based in Victoria, Australia, and is an organisation dedicated to the restoration and preservation of military vehicles and their heritage.
The MHG Inc. attends various military vehicle displays throughout Victoria and NSW. Vehicles from WW2, Korea, Malaya, Borneo, Vietnam and current conflicts are represented.
In 1863 the Newstead Court of Petty Sessions was built to the design of colonial architect John James Clark.
In February 1986 a group of interested people met and formed the Newstead & District Historical Society Inc.
In 1987 the Society applied through the then Shire of Newstead to the Department formerly named Conservation, Forests & Lands for the use of the old courthouse as a venue. The application was successful and since then members have carried out a great deal of work both in restoring and maintaining the building as well as collecting and conserving the history of the area. Our building is unique in that no alterations or additions have been done to it.
Trentham Historical Society works to preserve, and make available to the public, the history of the township of Trentham and the surrounding district including the settlements of Little Hampton, East Trentham, Spring Hill, Fern Hill and Tylden. The society publishes a quarterly newsletter and booklets from time to time and also holds an annual exhibition.
In 1986 the new Rochester Historical & Pioneer Society was established after amalgamating with the already existing Pioneer Society. The original land and the building known as the Common School built in 1874 was gifted to the Historical Society by Mrs. Ross. The building was classified “C” by the National Trust in 1972.
Our Volunteers can assist you with research into District Families History and our Museum Complex of four buildings is open to the public Open 9 – 12 noon Wednesday & Friday Or by Appointment
Rochester Historical and Pioneer Society is also a recognised Place of Deposit for documents and photographs.
The Gisborne & Mount Macedon Districts Historical Society’s collection covers the localities of Cabbage Tree; Couangalt; South Gisborne; Gisborne; New Gisborne; Bullengarook; Macedon; Mount Macedon; Barringo; Cherokee; Hesket; Kerrie; & Riddells Creek.
A dedicated group of volunteer members of the Historical Society meet regulary to assist with the accessioning, conservation, filing and indexing of the collection, to assist visitors to the Court House and to attend to research enquiries received by phone, mail or email. A research fee of $25.00 per surname or topic applies.
The beautifully restored, 1858 Gisborne Court House, home of Gisborne and Mount Macedon Districts Historical Society is open to the public each Wednesday from 10am to 4pm, when volunteers are in attendance to assist with family and local history research enquiries. The Family and Local History Resource Centre at the Court House may be opened at other times by appointment.
Collection and conservation of local and family history documents, photos, and maps.
Friends of Cornish Hill are a Landcare group. Our connection with RHSV goes back to the day when Cornish Hill Reserve was saved from sale by members of the local community who realised the value of the Reserve as being historically and environmentally significant.
The Friends have been beavering away restoring the Smiths creek corridor to bring it back to what it looked like before mining ravaged the landscape.
Image: Friends of Cornish Hill working bee in June 2018
The Daylesford & District Historical Society was formed in 1964 and the Museum established in 1971.
The Museum has approximately 800 square metres of interior displays and approximately 250 square metres of covered yard and houses an large collection of local memorabilia and artefacts.
The museum has extensive archival resources that are accessible by arrangement for research to researchers and genealogists.
Contact Us
03 5348 1453
Visit our website
Opening Hours
Saturdays : 11 am – 3 pm
During the week by appointment
Entry Fee: Adults $5.00 Children Free
Follow Us on facebook

Historical library, heritage cottage, farm items and research. Research Information, fundraising, and write articles for local paper.
Aims to conserve, promote and share the heritage of Lockington and district from pre-white settlement to present day.
The current history group was reformed in 1998. We have never had a permanent premises or museum to store our records or welcome visitors and meetings were held in local community centres.
In 2016 the Hume Council allocated rental space for CHIG at the Newbury Centre in Craigieburn where we meet, work on our collection and hold our monthly meetings. CHIG relies greatly on our website as our main link with the local and wider community.
Our main activities, aside from collecting/researching and storing historical information on Craigieburn and the surrounding district, are keeping photographs of the changing face of the area, communicating with local community groups, schools and other relevant history organisations. We record oral histories of local residents and those with connections to Craigieburn who make contact with us.