The Kinglake Historical Society works to collect and preserve the information and memorabilia related to the history of the district.
Visit their website:
Location: 1061 Whittlesea-Kinglake Road, Kinglake West
Mailing Address: PO Box 108, Kinglake West 3757
Phone: 0414 255 893
The current history group was reformed in 1998. We have never had a permanent premises or museum to store our records or welcome visitors and meetings were held in local community centres.
In 2016 the Hume Council allocated rental space for CHIG at the Newbury Centre in Craigieburn where we meet, work on our collection and hold our monthly meetings. CHIG relies greatly on our website as our main link with the local and wider community.
Our main activities, aside from collecting/researching and storing historical information on Craigieburn and the surrounding district, are keeping photographs of the changing face of the area, communicating with local community groups, schools and other relevant history organisations. We record oral histories of local residents and those with connections to Craigieburn who make contact with us.
Kilmore Historical Society’s Research Centre is located in the Kilmore Court House. The collection has an extensive biographical and photographic register of information, including resources on local schools, railways and buildings.
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Established to produce a book re 30 years of Festivals hold regular meetings, we house a Display at Shop 2, The Terrace, Mooroolbark.

The Ringwood Historical Society exists to collect, research and disseminate information relating to the history of Ringwood and its environs. Monthly meetings with speakers, local books, photographic displays.
We are a varied group of people with a shared interest in understanding and preserving the history of Heidelberg and surrounding suburbs. This includes helping to provide a place for the accumulation of objects and documents that add to the district’s story. We want people to be able to find historic artefacts and information in the future. We want to make sure that these materials are not lost.
Our expertise in history varies greatly. Many (perhaps most) of us have a general interest and have learnt as we went along. Some have skills gained from previous work and study. Others are serious students of history, including post graduate students. Everyone is welcome and everyone’s contribution is appreciated.
We need members to assist in a wide range of ways. Visit our website to see how you can get involved.

Mount Evelyn History Group members are interested in the collection, preservation, research,writing and publication of all aspects of history relating to our town. We hold displays at local events and provide speakers and information on request. Our newsletter, Things past, is published monthly.
We hold committee meeting on the third Monday evening of each even- numbered months, in odd-numbered months we have gueat speakers on the forth Saturday afternoon. Meetings and events are held at the RSL Hall, Hardy House, 49 Birmingham Road, Mt Evelyn, unless otherwise advised. visitors are welcome at meeting and lectures.

The Broadford and District Historical Society covers the districts of Broadford, Strath Creek, Reedy Creek, Tyaak, Sunday Creek, Glenaroua, Flowerdale, Glenburnie, Dry Creek, Sugarloaf Creek, Clonbinane and Tallarook.
The Society was formed in 1968 with the aim of fostering historical interests and knowledge of this district, but exclusively of this district. We protect local historic buildings and collect and preserve items and records of historic interest. We run a small museum and conduct genealogical research.

Please Note: The Preston Historical Society no longer operates. The resources are now held by Darebin Libraries. Contact 1300 655 355
The Preston Historical Society was established in 1965 and held local history, object and photographic collections.

Set in rolling orchard countryside, Mont De Lancye was built in 1882 as the home of the Sebire family. Mont De Lancey’s many attractions include Chapel/Gardens suitable for weddings; Museum; Monty’s Tearoom & much more.
Monty’s Tearoom: 0403 415 194

The American Ex-Servicemen’s Association is a social organization formed for the purpose of promoting the welfare of American Ex-Servicemen and women in Australia and to secure better relations between Americans and the Australian Community. We join together to enjoy comradery and remember those who have served our home country
The American Ex-Servicemen’s Association was started in March 1946 by a group of American Service personnel who emigrated to Australia.
The Coburg Historical Society is a non-profit community-based organisation dedicated to researching and preserving the history and historic buildings of Coburg.

Cemetery research and talks; walking tours through Boroondara (Kew) Cemetery; conservation of cemetery.
Formed in 1963, the Society holds local history materials including photographs, newspapers, books, journals, manuscripts, maps, oral and family histories. It holds monthly meetings with speakers, and conducts a variety of tours including that of Box Hill Cemetery. Information on tours can be found on the Box Hill Historical Society website.
Suburbs or towns: Box Hill; Bennetswood; Burwood; Mont Albert; Surrey Hills
Catalogue records online:
Whitehorse Manningham Local History Database —
Picture Victoria —
Funding was obtained from the Victorian Multicultural Commission in 2005 to establish The Australian Lebanese Historical Society of Victoria. ALHSV was incorporated on July 7 2005 and formally launched at the Royal Historical Society of Victoria, Melbourne, on 4 October 2006.
We welcome as members all who have an interest in the ALHSV goals and activities.
The ALHSV is run by a Council with elections held bi-annually.
We aim to…
- Foster research, writing and exhibitions on Lebanese heritage, culture and history in Victoria.
- Identify and record materials related to Lebanese migration and settlement in Victoria.
- Promote the study and publication of the contributions of the Lebanese Community to Australian society.
- Liaise with mainstream collecting and displaying bodies such as museums, libraries, archival resource centres and cultural organisations.
- Build understanding of their cultural heritage among the Australian-Lebanese Community of Victoria.
- Sponsor and develop applications for projects in support of the above.