Collecting records from the past including photographs. Guest speakers, help with family research and annual Australia Day celebrations, which include unveiling of heritage plaques recognising the local families who made the district what it is today.
The aim of the society is to help people discover their family history. To have appropriate records available, with guidance in ways to research and record their history and genealogy.
The Ballarat & District Genealogical Society Inc. was formed in 1978 as a breakaway group from the Ballarat Historical Society. This move was perceived as making a distinction between local history and family history research.
Hours – Monday to Thursday 10.00am – 4.30pm Collection includes: Family histories, references assisting local research, local histories, cemetery records, birth marriage and death records, computer access, electoral rolls, interstate records, directories.
Postal Address – Secretary BDGS Inc, P.O Box 1809, Ballarat Mail Centre, 3354
Our research service is
The Ballarat Historical Society’s collection is housed in the Gold Museum, Bradshaw Street, Ballarat. It includes over 25,000 photographs, early Trade & Street Directories, the Register of Inmates for the Ballarat Benevolent Society and objects.
The collection can be searched online via the Society’s website or accessed by appointment Mon – Friday, 10.00 am – 4.00 pm. Phone 5337 1107 to make an appointment.

This Observatory, situated at Mount Pleasant in Ballarat, was established on the initiative and with the financial support of James Oddie, and was formally opened to the public in 1886. When Oddie presented the Observatory to the people of Ballarat, it became the first municipal observatory in Australia.
Opening Hours for Observatory – See Booking and Events times. All programs require a prior booking.
Central Highlands Historical Association [CHHA] is a vital link in the regional history network being the umbrella association for over 30 historical societies, museums and family history organisations in the central highlands region of Victoria. CHHA continues to be an active and innovative organisation. It is represented at Local and State levels on matters of joint concern to its members.
The contribution by people of Irish background to Ballarat’s social, cultural and industrial development is substantial and the Ballarat and District Irish Association plans to present, celebrate, promote and enjoy this ongoing legacy

The Society promotes the study, collection and preservation of the history, heritage and environment of Buninyong and the surrounding district.
Image: ‘Buninyong Town Hall, home of the Buninyong and District Historical Society’.

Local and family historuies, display of family photos and antiques.

The historical society is dedicated to keep an accurate record of the district since settlement.
Friends of Cornish Hill are a Landcare group. Our connection with RHSV goes back to the day when Cornish Hill Reserve was saved from sale by members of the local community who realised the value of the Reserve as being historically and environmentally significant.
The Friends have been beavering away restoring the Smiths creek corridor to bring it back to what it looked like before mining ravaged the landscape.
Image: Friends of Cornish Hill working bee in June 2018
The Daylesford & District Historical Society was formed in 1964 and the Museum established in 1971.
The Museum has approximately 800 square metres of interior displays and approximately 250 square metres of covered yard and houses an large collection of local memorabilia and artefacts.
The museum has extensive archival resources that are accessible by arrangement for research to researchers and genealogists.
Contact Us
03 5348 1453
Visit our website
Opening Hours
Saturdays : 11 am – 3 pm
During the week by appointment
Entry Fee: Adults $5.00 Children Free
Follow Us on facebook

Please note: private research of our archives is not possible
The Museum is housed in the former Warehouse (c.1860) of contractors Nichol and Wallace.
The redeveloped Nichol and Wallace building, now known as The Warehouse, to reflect it’s 19th century history, reopened in 2014 as a Hub housing the Museum, the Library, the Visitor information Centre, the Hepburn Shire Service Centre as well as event and meeting spaces.