Rye Historical Society aims to preserve the history of the area bounded by Canterbury-Jetty Rd and Truemans Rd. The Room is open every Sunday 1pm -3 pm.
The Mount Duneed History Group holds meetings at 7:30 pm on the 2nd Thursday in the months of February, March, May, August, October and November in the Mount Duneed Hall at 40 Mount Duneed Road, Mount Duneed.
The group aims to collect the history of Mount Duneed and surrounding areas including Freshwater Creek, Connewarre and Grovedale and present this information by posting an article to our blog each week. We usually have a guest speaker at our meetings and conclude the evening with refreshments and a chat. New members are always welcome.

Beaumaris Modern is a non-profit organisation whose mission is to celebrate, educate and promote public awareness of the importance of preserving the mid-century architecture of Beaumaris.

We’re a local history organisation, willing to answer any questions or comments related to Mentone, Parkdale, or Mordialloc’s local history. We work in the Old Mentone Bakery (now Laura and Charles Ferguson Historical Museum) and have interesting exhibitions, as well as interesting volunteers, waiting for you to come visit!
The Friends of Cheltenham and Regional Cemeteries Inc. was formed on 9 May 2007 after the amalgamation of the Brighton General Cemetery Trust with the Cheltenham and Regional Cemeteries Trust.
On 1 March 2010, the Cheltenham and Regional Cemeteries Trust was absorbed by Necropolis Springvale to form the Southern Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust.
We are a not-for-profit community group comprising a team of dedicated volunteers who have a passion for the Cheltenham cemeteries.
The Friends of Cheltenham and Regional Cemeteries Inc. is an incorporated association affiliated with the Royal Historical Society of Victoria Inc., the South Eastern Historical Association Inc. and the Bayside Historical Network.

A site specific heritage organisation( Osborne House &grounds) dedicated to the preservation and utilisation of Osborne House as a community and arts preinet for Geelong. Specifically Osborne House and grounds, generally the city of Greater Geelong

Heritage trail, museum, displays and information from our region.
Michael Menzies 0419 546 251
OR: David Mann 0422 307 652
The Sandringham & District Historical Society (SDHS) was started in 1986 by a group of like-minded, local history enthusiasts.
With considerable community assistance, rooms were made available over a period of years for meetings and storage of our collected assets.
Eventually the City of Bayside allocated the Society a site of its own, between the library and the senior citizens’ rooms in Sandringham.
Referred to as the ‘Resource Centre’, this site now holds various reading and research areas, a modern computer network, tearoom facilities and the society’s archives.
Visitors are always welcome!
Images: courtesy of SDHS committee member Robyn Watters (2018)

Preserving Geelong maritime and naval heritage in the form of artefacts, books, pictures and relevant documents.

Family History Group in Narre Warren with many family history resources. The group is also interested in local history and has local records and family histories. Visitors always welcome.
Friends of Gallipoli work with schools and organisations to develop cultural and educational projects. Our programs create opportunities for Australian youth to visit Gallipoli, Turkey and attend Anzac Day ceremonies. The group actively supports fundraising activities to help schools and youth organisations attract sponsorship, grants and donations.
The main organisation goal is broadening the perspective of Australian and Turkish youth. Promotion of international friendships based around a shared Gallipoli history is key to the facilitation and planning of education projects. Youth tours are central to the groups’ activities and open the door for young people to explore each others’ lifestyle and culture.
Friends of Gallipoli is a self-governing not-for-profit organisation. The group has no political or religious affiliations and is run entirely by volunteers. Features of the organisation’s governance include clear accountabilities and transparency in the conduct and outcomes of our activities.
The group’s patron is Major General [retired] Jim Molan and its Chairman is RSL Anzac Peace Prize recipient Dr V John Basarin . For many years, Dr Basarin has been committed to building understanding of the Gallipoli Campaign through Rotary Youth Exchange. Friends of Gallipoli is his most recent youth project.

A small group of residents committed to researching the history of Dingley Village. Aims to collect documents, photographs etc. We have currently received funding to amploy an author to write the history of Dingley.

Collects and preserves the heritage of the old Shire of Cranbourne, and manages the Fisherman’s Cottage Museum complex at Tooradin, on behalf of the City of Casey.

The purpose of Club is to further the interests of members in the study, research and knowledge of antiques and other collectibles. Most members reside in metropolitian Melbourne. Meetings are held at St Leonard’s Uniting Church Hall, New St, Brighton.
St Leonard’s Uniting Church Hall,Wolseley Grove, Brighton 3186 (meeting place)

The Harry Hawker Society’s primary purpose is to promote and maintain knowledge, of the work, exploits and life of Harry George hawker MBE AFC. by exbititions, displays, publications and memorials to Harry hawker, his associates, his partners abd friends that gave him encouragement, pushed him to his great achievements and supported his developments in aviation.