Discover the rich history of St John Ambulance in Victoria from the perspective of the many generous volunteers who are the backbone of the organisation. View displays from 1900 to today of First Aid equipment, uniforms, photographs and more. Visit the St John Museum, open to public across from Williamstown Beach.
The Canterbury History Group is an active community group that collects, preserves and presents historical material in the Melbourne suburb of Canterbury.
Address – Heritage Centre 190A Canterbury Road, Canterbury 3126.
The Hawthorn Historical Society was established to foster historical interests, to collect and preserve items of historical interest, to compile a historical record of the district and to work in association with the National Trust (Victoria), Heritage Victoria and Hawthorn Library.

Formed in 1963, the Society holds local history materials including photographs, newspapers, books, journals, manuscripts, maps, oral and family histories. It holds monthly meetings with speakers, and conducts a variety of tours including that of Box Hill Cemetery. Information on tours can be found on the Box Hill Historical Society website.
Suburbs or towns: Box Hill; Bennetswood; Burwood; Mont Albert; Surrey Hills
Catalogue records online:
Whitehorse Manningham Local History Database —
Picture Victoria —

The museum is located at Factory 1 / 55 Barry Street, Bayswater. It is open for individual, group or club visits by appointment. Vehicles, memorabilia and retired ambulance personnel are also available for public and corporate events and displays.

The Airways Museum houses a collection of national importance that traces the development of Australia’s civil aviation airways system.
The C J La Trobe Society Inc. was formed in 2001 to promote understanding and appreciation of the life, work and times of Charles Joseph La Trobe, Victoria’s first Lieutenant-Governor. Initially appointed in 1839 as Superintendent of the Port Phillip District, then a part of New South Wales, he became the first Lieutenant-Governor of the new colony of Victoria after separation in 1851.
The Society celebrates La Trobe’s birthday annually, hosts lectures, special functions and other events throughout the year and distributes the journal, La Trobeana, to its members three times per year. The journal explores different themes in the life and times of La Trobe, aspects of the settlement of Victoria, and other areas of interest to members, and provides information on forthcoming cultural events.
Postal Address – PO Box 65, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207

Established in 1956, the Williamstown Historical Society was established to highlight the diverse activities of the inhabitants of this historic seaport. The collection includes photographs, paintings, artefacts, models and sporting memorabilia.
The purpose of the Williamstown Historical Society and Museum is to preserve the history of Williamstown, Newport and Spotswood for future generations through the collection, discovery, identification, study, understanding, classification, documentation, preservation, exhibition and interpretation of objects and documents of historical significance relating to Williamstown, Newport and Spotswood.
The aim of the Balwyn Historical Society is to facilitate and promote an interest in the history of Balwyn and nearby areas. Its objectives are to:
- Organise speakers on historical subjects and related community interests
- Publish a regular newsletter
- Encourage historical research
- Collect and organise documents and photographs and make them available for research
- Display historical photographs and documents
- Conduct events and excursions to places of historical interest
- Exchange information and work with other historical societies
Suburbs or towns: Balwyn; Balwyn North; Deepdene; Greythorn

Collecting, preserving information and materials about the history of Richmond and Burnley. Conducting research, walks and talks to promote understanding of our heritage.

The Australian Garden History Society promotes awareness and conservation of significant gardens and cultural landscapes through engagement, research, advocacy and activities.
Formed in 1980, the AGHS brings together people from diverse backgrounds united by an appreciation of and concern for our parks, gardens and cultural landscapes as part of Australia’s heritage. The Society promotes knowledge of historic gardens, significant landscapes and research into their history. It aims to examine gardens and gardening in their widest social, historic, literary, artistic and scientific context.

Formed in 1993 to preserve the identity of this historic port town in the face of amalgamation. Large collection of documents and photos 1860 onwards. Genealogical database, monthly meetings with speakers, weekly work sessions, busy program of research projects, publishing, exhibitions.