About the Society
The Whittlesea Historical Society meets every 3 months as per their calendar. Visitors are most welcome to attend. We meet in the Whittlesea Bowls Club at 101 Church Street Whittlesea Vic 3757.
Some of our aims include:
- Petition on behalf of local historic sites, buildings, trees, etc to Council or government,
- Undertake and promote the research of our history,
- Collect, conserve, compile and make available historic records,
- Establish and maintain a library and archives of that information,
- Disseminate knowledge of our history through lectures, publications, exhibitions, excursions and other means,
- Provide a means for people interested in the area’s history to meet, discuss and participate.

The Polish Museum and Archives in Australia was established in 1991 as an initiative of a number of people who saw the importance of collecting and preserving historical materials that reflected the individual and community life of Polish immigrants living in Australia.
Postal Address: PO Box 405 Essendon North VIC 3041

Nagambie Historical Society was formed in 1968 for the sole purpose of ‘retaining equipment within the town as some agricultural equipment had already left the district’. The Museum site was developed in 1870 with the construction of the stables to house the Cobb & Co horses, these stables are still standing at the rear of the Old Court House building. The Court House building was formerly the Court of Petty Sessions, Shire Office and Chambers, Post Master General’s Office, and the Registry Office for births, deaths and marriages. Later additions to the site included the first electricity plant for the Nagambie township 1912, with a further extension to this building in 1932 by the SEC. During the early 1970s, the Historical Society erected a large agricultural machinery shed at the rear of the site, and this now houses the James Forbes Museum consisting of a comprehensive range of old farm machinery made at the local foundry. The Museum houses a very large display of memorabilia and research is undertaken upon request. Opening hours are:
Opening Hours each Wednesday, 1st Saturday of month, 2nd 3rd & 4th Sunday of month – 9.30am to 12.30pm

Identifying graves without headstones where possibleCemetery Camp Road Broadmeadows

The Rushworth Historic Society is custodian of the Rushworth Museum, Rushworth, Whroo and district cemetery records, Chronicle Newspaper 1869 – 1977, 1987 – Waranga News

Essendon Historical Society is a non-profit organisation committed to documenting, preserving and promoting the history of the City of Moonee Valley which consists of Airport West, Ascot Vale, Avondale Heights, Essendon, Essendon North, Keilor East, Kensington, Moonee Ponds, Niddrie, Strathmore, Strathmore Heights as well as parts of Keilor and Flemington.
The Society was formed in 1970 by a group of residents who recognised the importance of preserving all aspects of local history for the benefit of present and future generations.
Early meetings were held in private homes and, later, in the Moonee Ponds Town Hall. In 1981, after a long battle, the Society obtained the use of the old Moonee Ponds Courthouse as its headquarters.
Essendon Historical Society has retained the use of the 1890 building since that time. With somewhere to display and store items of local historical interest, the community was encouraged to assist in building up various collections of local significance.
*Image Source: Essendon Historical Society Collection
The Coburg Historical Society is a non-profit community-based organisation dedicated to researching and preserving the history and historic buildings of Coburg.

Located Rieschieks Reserve, Victoria St Doncaster, Schramm’s Cottage, historical artefacts and museum display. Orchard machinery display.

The Yarrambat Historical Society Inc was formed in 1990 with the mission “To preserve and perpetuate the history of the area and to promote and encourage social interchange between people of all ages who share and interest in our cultural heritage”
The Yarrambat Heritage Museum is by far the largest project undertaken by the Society. The Society took over the site in early 2001 and over the ensuing years has developed the site into an operational Heritage Museum. A grant from the Victorian State Government enabled the relocation of the original 1878 Primary School classroom to the site in 2002.

Friends of Sandy and the australian Light Horse was founded in 2002 withthe express purpose of creating a permanment memorial to Sandy, the only horse to return from WW!. Sandy was burried in what is todaythe Defence Site Maribyrong , previouslyknown as the Remount Depot , where horses were brokenin and trained prior to being shipped off to war.

Please Note: The Preston Historical Society no longer operates. The resources are now held by Darebin Libraries. Contact 1300 655 355
The Preston Historical Society was established in 1965 and held local history, object and photographic collections.
The Footscray Historical Society Inc was formed at a public meeting in 1968. The Society actively records, preserves and researches the history of the suburbs within the City of Maribyrnong – Braybrook, Footscray, Kingsville, Maidstone, Maribyrnong, Seddon, West Footscray, Tottenham and Yarraville.
The purposes of the Footscray Historical Society are to advance Australian culture by recording and cataloguing the history of the Footscray district. And by collecting, preserving, and exhibiting items of historical significance to the Footscray district for the benefit of the community, advocating for the conservation, restoration and maintenance of buildings and sites of historical significance to the Footscray district for the benefit of the community and fostering public awareness of and interest in, the history of the Footscray district.