Please note: private research of our archives is not possible
The Museum is housed in the former Warehouse (c.1860) of contractors Nichol and Wallace.
The redeveloped Nichol and Wallace building, now known as The Warehouse, to reflect it’s 19th century history, reopened in 2014 as a Hub housing the Museum, the Library, the Visitor information Centre, the Hepburn Shire Service Centre as well as event and meeting spaces.

To develop collections of items and articles of significance to Navarre and genelogies of people.

The Society aims to collect, restore and maintain the memorabilia and records of the old gold mining town of Landsborough, founded in 1862 and named in honour of William Landsborough the explorer, the township still contains many reminders of its busy past. These include the 1862 lock-up, the 1901 Mounted Police stables, and a 130 year old school, all of which are cared for by the Historical Group.
Formed in 1987, the society aims to preserve and promote the history and heritage of Malmsbury and surrounding districts.
Profile Image by Susan Walter
The Daylesford & District Historical Society was formed in 1964 and the Museum established in 1971.
The Museum has approximately 800 square metres of interior displays and approximately 250 square metres of covered yard and houses an large collection of local memorabilia and artefacts.
The museum has extensive archival resources that are accessible by arrangement for research to researchers and genealogists.
Contact Us
03 5348 1453
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Opening Hours
Saturdays : 11 am – 3 pm
During the week by appointment
Entry Fee: Adults $5.00 Children Free
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Established in 1973, we collect, preserve and share information, photos and items relevant to Charlton & the surrounding district.
Located in the former Mechanics Institute building (1882), the Charlton Golden Grains Museum showcases a diverse collection of over 3000 artefacts and photographs from Charlton’s early pioneer days through to today.
Friends of Cornish Hill are a Landcare group. Our connection with RHSV goes back to the day when Cornish Hill Reserve was saved from sale by members of the local community who realised the value of the Reserve as being historically and environmentally significant.
The Friends have been beavering away restoring the Smiths creek corridor to bring it back to what it looked like before mining ravaged the landscape.
Image: Friends of Cornish Hill working bee in June 2018

Research centre for local families, minute books for clubs and associations, local newspapers. Preservation and recovery of local history of families, communities, organizations, schoole etc. within the boundaries of the old Shire of East Loddon.
Situated in the Old Court House built in 1890, the Boort Museum – Historical Society specialises in family histories with many photographs, and the preservation of historical documents and artifacts.

The historical society is dedicated to keep an accurate record of the district since settlement.

Kyneton Historical Society is a voluntary non-profit incorporated community organisation, comprising people from many fields committed to collecting, preserving, researching and sharing the wealth of material that is our heritage, and for which we as members are custodians.

Preservation of the history of Heathcote McIvor area, enabling stronger links to the past and transmitting this history to future generations.
Trentham Historical Society works to preserve, and make available to the public, the history of the township of Trentham and the surrounding district including the settlements of Little Hampton, East Trentham, Spring Hill, Fern Hill and Tylden. The society publishes a quarterly newsletter and booklets from time to time and also holds an annual exhibition.
The Beaufort Historical Society is situated in the former Beaufort Court House, in Livingstone St, next door to the Uniting Church. The society has an extensive collection of family histories, photographs, newspapers, school and cemeteries records, etc.
Suburbs or towns: Beaufort; Chute; Raglan; Trawalla; Shirley; Waterloo; Stockyard Hill; Lake Goldsmith; Nerring; Eurambeen
Postal Address: 9 Livingstone Street, Beaufort VIC 3373

The Society operates a Museum which is open on Sundays from 2pm to 4pm, and Tuesdays 10 am to 4 pm. Collection and display of historical items of interest and documents, photos, family history.
Aims to conserve, promote and share the heritage of Lockington and district from pre-white settlement to present day.

The Colbinabbin & District Historical Society are always looking to add to our historical collection, and are interested in sharing any information, photos and history we have of our town.