Theatre Heritage Australia Inc.

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29 Northumberland Street, Collingwood VIC 3066, Australia
29 Northumberland Street Collingwood Victoria 3066 AU
Contact Name
Elisabeth Kumm, Secretary

Theatre Heritage Australia Inc. is a non-profit organisation established in 1995 to foster knowledge and research into the history of Australian theatre. Our members include theatre professionals, scholars, and enthusiasts dedicated to documenting and sharing Australia’s unique theatre heritage.

PO Box 58 Malvern VIC 3144 Australia 6.88 km
Contact Name
Stonnington History Centre
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Old Moonee Ponds Courthouse Museum,768 Mt Alexander Rd,Moonee Ponds 3039 7.35 km

Essendon Historical Society is a non-profit organisation committed to documenting, preserving and promoting the history of the City of Moonee Valley which consists of Airport West, Ascot Vale, Avondale Heights, Essendon, Essendon North, Keilor East, Kensington, Moonee Ponds, Niddrie, Strathmore, Strathmore Heights as well as parts of Keilor and Flemington.

The Society was formed in 1970 by a group of residents who recognised the importance of preserving all aspects of local history for the benefit of present and future generations.

Early meetings were held in private homes and, later, in the Moonee Ponds Town Hall. In 1981, after a long battle, the Society obtained the use of the old Moonee Ponds Courthouse as its headquarters.

Essendon Historical Society has retained the use of the 1890 building since that time. With somewhere to display and store items of local historical interest, the community was encouraged to assist in building up various collections of local significance.

*Image Source: Essendon Historical Society Collection

Contact Name
Hayden Williams
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Camberwell VIC 3124, Australia 7.46 km

Camberwell Historical Society Inc. is a Volunteer organization whose purposes are to foster historical interest and knowledge, to compile and keep historical records of the district, to promote the interchange of information among its members by lectures, discussions, excursions and other activities, to facilitate liaison with other history groups in the district and to participate in community projects.

We are affiliated with the Royal Historical Society of Victoria.

The Society holds five general meetings annually, arranges four excursions and produces flyers for forthcoming events.

Contact Name
George Fernando, President
82 Bell Street, Coburg VIC, Australia 7.5 km

The Coburg Historical Society is a non-profit community-based organisation dedicated to researching and preserving the history and historic buildings of Coburg.

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66 Napier Street, Footscray VIC 3011, Australia 7.54 km

The Footscray Historical Society Inc was formed at a public meeting in 1968. The Society actively records, preserves and researches the history of the suburbs within the City of Maribyrnong – Braybrook, Footscray, Kingsville, Maidstone, Maribyrnong, Seddon, West Footscray, Tottenham and Yarraville.

The purposes of the Footscray Historical Society are to advance Australian culture by recording and cataloguing the history of the Footscray district. And by collecting, preserving, and exhibiting items of historical significance to the Footscray district for the benefit of the community, advocating for the conservation, restoration and maintenance of buildings and sites of historical significance to the Footscray district for the benefit of the community and fostering public awareness of and interest in, the history of the Footscray district.

Contact Name
Steve Wilson, Secretary
PO Box 19 Coldstream VIC 3770 7.56 km

The American Ex-Servicemen’s Association is a social organization formed for the purpose of promoting the welfare of American Ex-Servicemen and women in Australia and to secure better relations between Americans and the Australian Community. We join together to enjoy comradery and remember those who have served our home country

The American Ex-Servicemen’s Association was started in March 1946 by a group of American Service personnel who emigrated to Australia.

Preston Library, 266 Gower Street, Preston VIC 3072 7.63 km

Please Note: The Preston Historical Society no longer operates. The resources are now held by Darebin Libraries. Contact 1300 655 355

The Preston Historical Society was established in 1965 and held local history, object and photographic collections.

Contact Name
Darebin Libraries
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Wesley Hall, St. Andrew's Uniting Church, 253A Burke Road, Gardiner VIC 7.7 km

The Port Phillip Pioneers Group (PPPG) was formed in May 1970, as a special interest group of The Genealogical Society of Victoria (GSV).

The original purpose was to bring together members of the GSV who could establish direct lineal descent from Pioneers who settled or were born in the Port Phillip District of the Colony of New South Wales (the present State of Victoria) prior to 1 July 1851.

The Group became a separate Incorporated Association in April 1991 and membership of the GSV is no longer required. Linkage with the GSV is maintained as an inaugural Member Group.

The aims and objectives of PPG are:

  • To perpetuate the memory of, and create a greater awareness of, the part played by the Pioneers of early settlement in the area of the present State of Victoria;
  • To compile biographical and genealogical data of the Pioneers and their immediate families;
  •  To preserve written and printed material which illustrates aspects of Pioneer settlement in Victoria.
Contact Name
Stuart Hamilton, Secretary
3/6 Charles Street West Preston Vic 3073 Australia 8.03 km
Contact Name
Cycling Victoria History & Heritage Committee
Balwyn VIC, Australia 8.03 km

Funding was obtained from the Victorian Multicultural Commission in 2005 to establish The Australian Lebanese Historical Society of Victoria. ALHSV was incorporated on July 7 2005 and formally launched at the Royal Historical Society of Victoria, Melbourne, on 4 October 2006.

We welcome as members all who have an interest in the ALHSV goals and activities.

The ALHSV is run by a Council with elections held bi-annually.

We aim to…

  • Foster research, writing and exhibitions on Lebanese heritage, culture and history in Victoria.
  • Identify and record materials related to Lebanese migration and settlement in Victoria.
  • Promote the study and publication of the contributions of the Lebanese Community to Australian society.
  • Liaise with mainstream collecting and displaying bodies such as museums, libraries, archival resource centres and cultural organisations.
  • Build understanding of their cultural heritage among the Australian-Lebanese Community of Victoria.
  • Sponsor and develop applications for projects in support of the above.
Contact Name
Sam Haddad JP OAM
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190A Canterbury Rd, Canterbury 3126 8.38 km
Heritage Centre 190A Canterbury Road, Canterbury 3126. 8.38 km

The Canterbury History Group is an active community group that collects, preserves and presents historical material in the Melbourne suburb of Canterbury.

Address – Heritage Centre 190A Canterbury Road, Canterbury 3126.

25 Thomson St, Seddon VIC 3011, Australia 8.49 km

Friends of Sandy and the australian Light Horse was founded in 2002 withthe express purpose of creating a permanment memorial to Sandy, the only horse to return from WW!. Sandy was burried in what is todaythe Defence Site Maribyrong , previouslyknown as the Remount Depot , where horses were brokenin and trained prior to being shipped off to war.

Contact Name
Pauline Ashton- President

The Forests Commission Retired Personnel Association is a volunteer organisation founded in 1979 by employees of Victoria’s former Forests Commission.  Its aims are (inter alia) to maintain forest memorabilia for the benefit of the general public and future generations.  Its Forestry Heritage Museum in the Historic Precinct of Beechworth is open to the public and it maintains its own website (


The aim of the Balwyn Historical Society is to facilitate and promote an interest in the history of Balwyn and nearby areas. Its objectives are to:

  • Organise speakers on historical subjects and related community interests
  • Publish a regular newsletter
  • Encourage historical research
  • Collect and organise documents and photographs and make them available for research
  • Display historical photographs and documents
  • Conduct events and excursions to places of historical interest
  • Exchange information and work with other historical societies

Suburbs or towns: Balwyn; Balwyn North; Deepdene; Greythorn


The ATA (Australian Timetable Association) is an organisation for anyone interested in the study of transport timetables, schedules, maps and associated literature.

Contact Name
Australian Timetable Association
304 Hawthorn Road, Caulfield VIC, Australia 9.12 km

The Australian Jewish Historical Society is dedicated to promoting the study of Jewry in Australia from 1788. Since its founding the Society has sought to compile and make available unique and authentic records relating to the Jewish people in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands via the acquisition and preservation of historically significant documents and materials. Equally, the Society has pursued the conservation of places of Jewish interest and continues to foster the interchange of information through lectures, discussions and exhibitions of historical interest or value

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Old Heidelberg Courthouse, Cnr 15 Jika Street and Park Lane, Heidelberg 9.2 km

We are a varied group of people with a shared interest in understanding and preserving the history of Heidelberg and surrounding suburbs. This includes helping to provide a place for the accumulation of objects and documents that add to the district’s story. We want people to be able to find historic artefacts and information in the future. We want to make sure that these materials are not lost.

Our expertise in history varies greatly. Many (perhaps most) of us have a general interest and have learnt as we went along. Some have skills gained from previous work and study. Others are serious students of history, including post graduate students. Everyone is welcome and everyone’s contribution is appreciated.

We need members to assist in a wide range of ways. Visit our website to see how you can get involved.

Contact Name
Michael Torney, Treasurer
PO Box 187 Yarraville Vic 3013 Australia 9.42 km
Contact Name
Steiglitz Historical Society
100 Douglas Parade Williamstown VIC, 3016 9.51 km

Established in 1956, the Williamstown Historical Society was established to highlight the diverse activities of the inhabitants of this historic seaport. The collection includes photographs, paintings, artefacts, models and sporting memorabilia.

The purpose of the Williamstown Historical Society and Museum is to preserve the history of Williamstown, Newport and Spotswood for future generations through the collection, discovery, identification, study, understanding, classification, documentation, preservation, exhibition and interpretation of objects and documents of historical significance relating to Williamstown, Newport and Spotswood.

Contact Name
Russell Brown - President
Showing 41 - 60 of 210 results