St Michael's Catholic Church, 11 Dry Street, Wandong VIC 3758
780 Wandong Road Wandong Victoria 3758 AU
Contact Name
Karen Christensen

The Wandong History Group Inc. is proud to announce the launch of its website


Funded by the Foundation For Rural and Regional Development (FRRR) and The Ross Trust

Visit the site to learn more about our town and provide feedback on this exciting new initiative

Wallan VIC, Australia 7.12 km

The Military History Group Inc. is based in Victoria, Australia, and is an organisation dedicated to the restoration and preservation of military vehicles and their heritage.

The MHG Inc. attends various military vehicle displays throughout Victoria and NSW. Vehicles from WW2, Korea, Malaya, Borneo, Vietnam and current conflicts are represented.



C/- 127 Roulston Way Wallan VIC 3756 Australia 7.9 km
Contact Name
Woodlands Heritage Interpretation Inc
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Old Kilmore Post Office, 2 Powlett Street, Kilmore Vic 3764 8.71 km

Kilmore Historical Society’s Research Centre is located in the Kilmore Court House. The collection has an extensive biographical and photographic register of information, including resources on local schools, railways and buildings.

[caption id="attachment_2494" align="alignnone" width="792"]Street scene Post Office, Courthouse and Police Barracks[/caption]
Contact Name
Barbara Wilson, Secratary

​The Broadford and District Historical Society covers the districts of Broadford, Strath Creek, Reedy Creek, Tyaak, Sunday Creek, Glenaroua, Flowerdale, Glenburnie, Dry Creek, Sugarloaf Creek, Clonbinane and Tallarook.

The Society was formed in 1968 with the aim of fostering historical interests and knowledge of this district, but exclusively of this district. We protect local historic buildings and collect and preserve items and records of historic interest. We run a small museum and conduct genealogical research.

PO Box 241, Whittlesea VIC 3757 Australia 19.35 km

About the Society

The Whittlesea Historical Society meets every 3 months as per their calendar.  Visitors are most welcome to attend. We meet in the Whittlesea  Bowls Club at 101 Church Street Whittlesea Vic 3757.

Some of our aims include:

  • Petition on behalf of local historic sites, buildings, trees, etc to Council or government,
  • Undertake and promote the research of our history,
  • Collect, conserve, compile and make available historic records,
  • Establish and maintain a library and archives of that information,
  • Disseminate knowledge of our history through lectures, publications, exhibitions, excursions and other means,
  • Provide a means for people interested in the area’s history to meet, discuss and participate.
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1061 Whittlesea-Kinglake Road, Kinglake West  24.92 km

The Kinglake Historical Society works to collect and preserve the information and memorabilia related to the history of the district.

Visit their website: https://www.kinglakehistoricalsociety.com/

Location: 1061 Whittlesea-Kinglake Road, Kinglake West

Mailing Address: PO Box 108, Kinglake West 3757

Phone: 0414 255 893

Contact Name
Diedre Hawkins
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Lancefield Courthouse, Melbourne-Lancefield Road, Lancefield Vic 3435 26.11 km

Maintains the oldest house in Romsey – Seymour Cottage. Museum with displays of local interest in former Court House. Collection of local history & family documents.

Contact Name
Shirley Kishere, Secretary
440 Grand Boulevard Craigieburn 3064 26.24 km

The current history group was reformed in 1998. We have never had a permanent premises or museum to store our records or welcome visitors and meetings were held in local community centres. 

In 2016 the Hume Council allocated rental space for CHIG at the Newbury Centre in Craigieburn where we meet, work on our collection and hold our monthly meetings. CHIG relies greatly on our website as our main link with the local and wider community.

Our main activities, aside from collecting/researching and storing historical information on Craigieburn and the surrounding district, are keeping photographs of the changing face of the area, communicating with local community groups, schools and other relevant history organisations. We record  oral histories of local residents and those with connections to Craigieburn who make contact with us. 

C/o 4607 Whittlesea-Yea Road Yea Vic 3717 Australia 31.25 km
Contact Name
Yea & District Historical Society
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722 Yan Yean Rd, Yarrambat VIC 3091, Australia 31.7 km

The Yarrambat Historical Society Inc was formed in 1990 with the mission “To preserve and perpetuate the history of the area and to promote and encourage social interchange between people of all ages who share and interest in our cultural heritage”

The Yarrambat Heritage Museum is by far the largest project undertaken by the Society. The Society took over the site in early 2001 and over the ensuing years has developed the site into an operational Heritage Museum. A grant from the Victorian State Government enabled the relocation of the original 1878 Primary School classroom to the site in 2002.

Contact Name
Brendon Smith, Secretary
Somerton Rd, Greenvale 3046 33.88 km
Contact Name
Helen Rolls
PO Box 9 St Andrews VIC 3761 Australia 34.77 km
Contact Name
Gaye Ponting
PO 1230 Lalor Vic 3075 35.53 km

Identifying graves without headstones where possibleCemetery Camp Road Broadmeadows

Contact Name
Beryl Patullo- Secretary /Treasurer
66/68 Macedon Street SUNBURY VIC 3429 Australia 35.9 km
Contact Name
Trevor Dunn
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27 Howell Road, Plenty, Vic. 3090 36.13 km

Plenty Historical Society Inc was formed in February 2001 and comprises a group of people keen to create and nurture an active and sustainable organisation that is assertive in preserving the unique natural and historical environment and culture of Plenty and district in complement with Nillumbik Shire Council’s Heritage Overlay.

Image: Former Plenty Uniting (Methodist) Church building which has recently been relocated to the Plenty Heritage Park, Memorial Drive, Plenty, by the Major Roads Projects Authority (MRPA), a section of VicRoads, as a result of the need to move it from its former site because of major roadworks being undertaken. MRPA acquired the building from the Uniting Church when they acquired the land for road construction. MRPA is donating the building to the Plenty Historical Society Inc. once renovations and significant other works are completed. The building will then become the new home of the Plenty Historical Society inc. It will be some time before the Society gains access to the building, but we are most grateful that firstly our efforts to save the building from possible demolition and have it relocated to the Heritage Park and eventually acquire the church building have been worthwhile.

The church building has been assessed as historical significant on a local level, for its long association with religious community gatherings and activities in the Plenty farming area. It should be seen as a locally significant representative of the Methodist revival of the 1920s, in which rural home missionaries played an important and distinctive role in sustaining local religious communities. Methodism was a Christian sect originating in England from the teachings of Wesley, born out of concern in the 19th century that the established church ‘had little or no desire for the salvation of the masses’ (Benson 1935:8) As a form of ‘social Christianity”\’, it emphasised missionary work among the poor, workers, and remote communities. It was a powerful force in educating the working class and evangelising its moral code. Travelling preachers and lay helpers drawn from its own ranks thus quickly multiplied and chapels were erected in centres of population predominantly using funds raised from its congregations, The Home Mission, established in 1875 to spread Methodism throughout the remote communities of the British Empire, trained and deployed ‘home missionaries’ who were the ‘shock-troops’ of the church. Their activity made Methodism, despite its relative youth, a strong presence in the colonies and the dominions, and Methodists regularly ranked among the main religious groups in new Victorian settler Communities

The former chapel is locally significant as one of a small number of buildings representing the establishment of the township of Plenty in the 1920s based around its small farming community. Plenty district developed following the arrival of the railway, even though the railway was some distance away. It developed as a community of small farmers. Plenty was then a developing orchard and farming district. Its school opened in 1922, with 29 pupils. The post office opened in 1923. The 1920s, when the church was built was thus an important period of growth in the history of Plenty.

Methodist services were first held at Plenty in 1925, under the auspices of the Diamond Creek Methodist Home Mission Station, which had six churches throughout the Diamond Valley. Other Churches were at Diamond Creek, Arthurs Creek, Cottles Bridge, Hurstbridge and Wattle Glen. In 1925, the Victorian Methodist Church encouraged the building of new country churches by offering £50 to communities who could raise £100. The Methodists of Plenty took advantage of the offer, and their wooden chapel was opened in December 1925. Within five years of opening the church was debt free. (Source: “Independent Panel Hearing Statement of Evidence on Former Methodist Church” January 2012)

Contact Name
Alan Pearce, Honorary Treasurer and Public Officer
PO Box 423 Sunbury Vic 3429 Australia 37.34 km
Contact Name
Peter Free
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10 Nillumbik Square, Diamond Creek 3089 37.47 km

The Society operates an historic cottage erected in 1865. It holds a large collection of historic photographs, and features information on local gold mines.

Contact Name
Jean Verso - President
PO Box 184 Seymour Vic 3660 Australia 39.47 km
Contact Name
Secretary: Christine Brown
Greensborough Vic 3088 Australia 39.52 km
Contact Name
Noel Withers
Showing 1 - 20 of 195 results