Whittlesea Historical Society

PO Box 241, Whittlesea VIC 3757 Australia
66 Church Street Whittlesea Victoria 3757 AU

About the Society

The Whittlesea Historical Society meets every 3 months as per their calendar.  Visitors are most welcome to attend. We meet in the Whittlesea  Bowls Club at 101 Church Street Whittlesea Vic 3757.

Some of our aims include:

  • Petition on behalf of local historic sites, buildings, trees, etc to Council or government,
  • Undertake and promote the research of our history,
  • Collect, conserve, compile and make available historic records,
  • Establish and maintain a library and archives of that information,
  • Disseminate knowledge of our history through lectures, publications, exhibitions, excursions and other means,
  • Provide a means for people interested in the area’s history to meet, discuss and participate.
kilmore historical society logo.jpg
Old Kilmore Post Office, 2 Powlett Street, Kilmore Vic 3764 27.52 km
Kilmore Historical Society’s Research Centre is located in the Kilmore Court House. The col...
Contact Name
Barbara Wilson, Secratary
heidelberg historical society courthouse museum.jpg
Old Heidelberg Courthouse, Cnr 15 Jika Street and Park Lane, Heidelberg 27.71 km
We are a varied group of people with a shared interest in understanding and preserving the histor...
Contact Name
Michael Torney, Treasurer
Postal Address – C/o Post Office, Yarra Glen, VIC 3775 The History Group is a group formed ...
82 Bell Street, Coburg VIC, Australia 28.69 km
The Coburg Historical Society is a non-profit community-based organisation dedicated to researchi...
PO Box 5052 Brunswick North VIC 3056 Australia 31.04 km
03 9525 369603 9525 3696
0438 077 329 (Could be 677)0438 077 329 (Could be 677)
Contact Name
Peter Johnson
PO Box 19 Coldstream VIC 3770 31.55 km
The American Ex-Servicemen’s Association is a social organization formed for the purpose of...
kew 3102 31.71 km
Cemetery research and talks; walking tours through Boroondara (Kew) Cemetery; conservation of cem...
Contact Name
Pauline Turville
33 Saxon Street, Brunswick VIC 3056, Australia 32.03 km
Brunswick Community History Group Inc. is a community-based organisation interested in the histor...
C/o 4607 Whittlesea-Yea Road Yea Vic 3717 Australia 32.38 km
Contact Name
Yea & District Historical Society
Image: 1928 Kazzie Picnic, a very symbolic, traditional and annual event for the Kastellorizian community.
North Carlton 3054 VIC Australia 32.7 km
The Kastellorizian Association of Victoria was established in 1925 to give assistance to the fled...
Contact Name
Florence Livery, KAV Archivist
essendon historical society court house museum.jpg
Old Moonee Ponds Courthouse Museum,768 Mt Alexander Rd,Moonee Ponds 3039 32.93 km
Essendon Historical Society is a non-profit organisation committed to documenting, preserving and...
Contact Name
Hayden Williams
11 Ripley Court, Ringwood 3135 33.17 km
The Ringwood Historical Society exists to collect, research and disseminate information relating ...
Contact Name
Russ Haines, President
Balwyn VIC, Australia 33.24 km
Funding was obtained from the Victorian Multicultural Commission in 2005 to establish The Austral...
Contact Name
Sam Haddad JP OAM
Carlton North VIC 3054, Australia 33.41 km
The Carlton Community History Group, an historical society focusing on the history of Carlton, Ca...
Harrick's Cottage, Harrick's Rd, Keilor 33.53 km
Research, record and promote the history and heritage of the Keilor region whilst collecting, pre...
Contact Name
Peter Ward
KewHS Logo in Jpeg.jpg
To conduct research into the history of Kew, study its records, contact descendents of early Kew ...
Contact Name
Desley Reid- Secretary
The aim of the Balwyn Historical Society is to facilitate and promote an interest in the history ...
PO Box 312 Dingley Village VIC 3172 Australia 33.98 km
Contact Name
Descendants of Convicts Group Victoria
old lilydale court house.jpg
61 Castella Street, Lilydale VIC 3140, Australia 34 km
Founded in 1971 We aim to collect, research, promote and publish the history of the people, place...
Contact Name
Sue Thompson, President
Showing 21 - 40 of 207 results