Our history centre contains memorabilia pertaining to Glenthompson and district, including photographs, newspaper items and cemetery records, etc. Open at the former Glenthompson Railway Station every 3rd Sunday from 12pm-2pm and at other times by calling: Sylvia Wilson on (03) 5577 4352 or Tracey Potatau-Wright on (03) 5577 4215
Founding Date: 4th February 1992
General Information: We will showcase people and places from Glenthompson since the town was established in the mid 1800’s. People are welcome to contribute photos and stories to our page by submitting them to the Secretary via our email address.
Products: We can provide family history searches for a fee.
As at Jan 1 2019 the fees are as follows for all new requests:
search fee: $15 per hr
copy fees for records or information: 20c per A4 pa (20+ pgs 15c per copy).
Please note: We only have a couple of researchers at this time so there may be a delay in attending to your individual request. Thank you