15 Bolding Place, Inverloch, VIC, Australia
15 Bolding Place
Contact Name
Rosemary Hutchinson - Treasurer
Inverloch Historical Society is a meeting group of about 50 members who come together for fellowship to listen to speakers on matters historical and twice a year (May and September) visit places of historical and common interest. We conduct Historical Town Walks (Christmas) and sell 20 books on local and family history. Two bus trips per year for members.
40 White Rd, North Wonthaggi VIC 3995, Australia 11.47 km
The Wonthaggi and District Historical Society had its beginning in the late 1950’s when a n...
Contact Name
King Street, Korumburra 23.85 km
The society meets on the first Thursday of the month with a guest speaker. The society are usuall...
Contact Name
Rosemary Denis, Secretary

10 McCartin Street Leongatha VIC 3984 Australia 25.84 km
Contact Name
South Gippsland Historical Network
10 McCartin St, Leongatha Victoria, Australia 25.84 km
Formed in 1964 to collect and preserve the history of the area, the society has a large collectio...
Contact Name
Lyn Skillern, Secretary

10 Kilburn Street, Corinella VIC, Australia 35.02 km
Archived research. Publishing local and family histories in the Bass Valley

25 Veterans Drive, Newhaven 37.07 km

Foster, VIC 3960 Australia 41.32 km
Foster historical interest and knowledge in Foster & District; collect, preserve, catalogue a...
Contact Name
Mrs Kerry Corcovan - Secretary

26 Cambridge St, Lang Lang 3914 VIC Australia 43.55 km
We collect local history, photos, small memorabilia, and preserve them for the future.
Contact Name
Peter Hayden - Secretary

PO Box 1 Mirboo North VIC 3871 45.37 km
Secretary: Geraldine Bollard 0438 417 766Secretary: Geraldine Bollard 0438 417 766
Research Request: Sandra Rickards 0408 595 767.Research Request: Sandra Rickards 0408 595 767.
To preserve local history information for future generations.
Contact Name
Secretary: Geraldine Bollard

Cowes Cultural Centre, 89 Thompson Avenue, Cowes 3922 46.88 km
The Society collects and preserves documents, artefacts, memorablia and photos of historical inte...
Contact Name
Pam Rothfield, Secretary

325 Rossiter Road, Koo Wee Rup, 3981 52.46 km
“Mallow House”, built 1916, is the home of Koo Wee Rup Swamp Historical Society, inco...
Contact Name
Heather Arnold, President

Boolarra 3870 54.63 km
Housed in the old Boolarra Primary School, the aims and objectives of the society are to collect,...

PO Box 310 Warragul VIC 3820 Australia 55.45 km
0438 232 1050438 232 105
Contact Name
Malcolm Dickson

C/- PO Box 114, Tooradin 3980 55.74 km
03 5998 364303 5998 3643
Collects and preserves the heritage of the old Shire of Cranbourne, and manages the FishermanR...
Contact Name
Polly Freeman - Secretary

136 Princes Way Drouin 3818 56.6 km
03 5625 103203 5625 1032
Public displays, school visits, annual festival display and guest speaking
Contact Name
Rosemary Blackley- Secretary

Corner of Marine Parade and Skinner Street, Hastings 58.52 km
Is a vibrant, enthusiastic group of volunteers who are dedicated to promoting, preserving and enh...
Contact Name
Dianne Maloney- President
38 Main Street Bunyip, VIC 3815 59.46 km
A small group of interested persons in late 2011 decided to establish a group that would collate ...

3041 Frankston - Flinders Road, Balnarring VIC 3926, Australia 59.63 km
Collection: Comprises of local historical records, photographs and memorabilia from Balnarring an...
Contact Name
Richard Daly, Hon. Secretary

30 Contingent street Trafalgar Vic 3824 Australia 60.1 km
03 5633 196003 5633 1960
Contact Name
Jean Huffer

9 LITTLETON AVE YINNAR VIC 3869 Australia 62.54 km
Contact Name
Phil Williams