Date Claimer: Engineering Heritage mini-conference

Celebrating Engineering History

An afternoon mini-conference “Celebrating Engineering History” is planned for Thursday 15 August 2019, 1pm – 5pm, at the Royal Historical Society of Victoria, being organised by Engineering Heritage Victoria in partnership with the RHSV.

Engineering has been defined as being “a vital art, working with the great sources of power in nature for the wealth and well-being of the whole of society”.  We often just think of engineering as being something that started when engineers became a separate profession, but engineering dates back many thousands of years.

Victoria has many outstanding world-leading engineering works, but many of these achievements are not well documented, or have been forgotten, and need to be celebrated.

Four papers will be presented focussing on the history of some of the significant engineering works in Victoria. This year is the 150th anniversary of the Great Melbourne Telescope; the 100th anniversary of the Electrification of Melbourne’s suburban railways; and the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, and as many notable indigenous engineering works survive in Australia, we hope to include a paper on this topic as well.

To book your place at this mini-conference: