Roving Curator Grant

The RHSV is excited to announce that we were successful recently in being awarded a Museums Australia (Victoria) Roving Curator Grant. This means that MAV curator, Kitty Owens, will work with our curator, Lenore Frost on our first exhibition in 2020 which will focus on the West Melbourne swamp. Lenore will be looking at the history of the swamp from pre-European times until the present day.


New staff member Pankaj Sirwani

Our Administrator, Amy Clay, is leaving at Christmas to have her third baby – congratulations Amy.

We have been fortunate to recruit Pankaj Sirwani, to replace Amy whilst she is on parental leave. Pankaj came to Melbourne to complete his master’s degree in Accounting and Financial Management at La Trobe University. Before this he completed his bachelor’s degree in Business Administration at Pune in India. Pankaj will overlap with Amy for one week before Christmas and then he’ll fly solo from the 7th of January when we return from our Christmas break.